Destined for Greatness: Your Tuesday Afternoon Inspiration with Gerald Chinogara

Bulls n Bears info at
Tue Aug 18 13:32:51 CAT 2020

Destined for Greatness: Your Tuesday Afternoon Inspiration with Gerald


One of the first things successful people realize is the timeless adage, "if
it is to be, it is up to me." The truth is that your success and your course
is up to you. 


This doesn't mean that you do it all alone. It simply means that you take
responsibility for your life and your future. Too many people today look at
opportunity and figure it is up to someone else to make sure they get it. 


Stop waiting thinking that it is someone's responsibility to create
opportunities for your success. 


Some are waiting for their situation to improve or for the right and perfect
conditions for them to start whatever it is that they intend to do. I can
safely tell you this, when your waiting is over it will be too late for you
to do anything. Your life will be over and it will be filled with regret.


You must take responsibility for your life since it is within yourself to do
it. The fact is that nobody else is going to do it for you, you must do it
yourself. It is a shame that you wait for external circumstance to cause you
to do what you ought to do by yourself. Why do people wait for some external
force to motivate you to do what you should have been doing?


A quick survey will reveal  that the most single thought that has stand in
many people's way to take full responsibility of their lives is worrying.
Worry has almost become a global pastime event for most. 


Some of you may be reading this and thinking, "Yeah, he probably doesn't
have anything to worry about." But, that's not true. I have plenty to worry
about, I just choose not to and I'd like to suggest that you follow suit and
resolve right now, that you are not going to invest even one of the minutes
you have in a day worrying about anything.


Clearly understand, there isn't any situation that isn't made worse by
worry. Worry never solves anything. Worry never prevents anything. Worry
never heals anything. Worry serves only one purpose it makes matters worse.
How? Well, quite simply, when you're focused on worrying about something,
you'll never be able to focus on a solution.


Be aware that your mind cannot focus on two things at the same time. Your
mind can either focus on your current circumstances and worry about the
situation or a solution to get yourself out of the predicament. The choice
is always yours.


If you have been worrying about something or someone, you can eliminate that
worry through displacement. Let its positive opposite crowd it out of your
mind and then follow through with constructive action. Everything in the
universe has an opposite, even your worries. You could be worried about not
having sufficient time to do some of the important things you have to do


The truth is you do have enough time if you are willing to give up something
else. The busiest person you know, yourself included, would have time to go
and pick up a stash of cash if someone promises to give it to them. You
might neglect doing something else to make the time, but trust me, you would
collect the cash.


When a worry thought occupies your attention, choose the positive opposite
to the worry thought and focus your attention on that. No one is without
problems; they are a part of living. If you are serious about taking
ownership of your life then you need to spend more time thinking about what
you want to become. Only think about what you want to see happening in your


What you spend most of the time thinking about is what you will attract to


James Kurtz expressed it well when he said "If we worry, we don't trust; if
we trust we don't worry. Worry does not empty tomorrow of its grief, but it
does empty today of its joy." 


Take responsibility of your future today by allowing only positive thoughts
to take root in your mind.


Invest Wisely!


Bulls n Bears 


Telephone:      <tel:%2B263%204%202927658> +263 4 2927658

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Twitter:         @bullsbears2010

LinkedIn:       Bulls n Bears Zimbabwe


Skype:           Bulls.Bears 





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