Destined for Greatness: Your Tuesday Morning Inspiration with Gerald Chinogara

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Tue Sep 22 07:58:41 CAT 2020


Destined for Greatness: Your Tuesday Morning Inspiration with Gerald


Frustration is the child of stagnation. We are most alive when we are making
progress, even micro-progress in the direction of ideals that excite us. Our
spirits take flight when we stand steadfast along the path of the mighty
mission and heroic ideals that call out the finest within us. The times we
are now living are interesting, we have the pandemic ravaging lives,
businesses and economies; social media addicts us, providing an escape from
a tumultuous reality, and the uncertainty and volatility overwhelms many of


And yet there is a great solution to all of this, it is in every one of us.
God in his wisdom saw it fit for you to be alive on this planet at a time
such as this. Everything that the oak tree will become  is in the acorn
seed, but merely looking at the acorn seed don't reveal anything that
resembles the oak tree yet the tree is within that seed. Everything that you
are meant to be is already inside you. A glance at yourself now might not
reveal all that you are destined to be. However, the absolute truth is each
of us came into this world equipped to the teeth with everything  we require
to accomplish our preordained destiny to impact and transform the world.


A quick pick from the best selling book of all times ever the Holy Bible, in
Jeremiah 29:11 these words were spoken to people in the midst of hardship
and suffering; people who were likely desiring an immediate rescue. But
God's response is not to provide immediate escape from the difficult
situation. Rather, God promises that He has a plan to prosper them in the
midst of their current situation.



God has a plan for our lives regardless of what we will be going through. He
can work through it to prosper us and give us hope and a future. God is not
perplexed with your life challenges. He will not scratch his head thinking
about the best way to deliver you because he knows more than a million ways
to change your situation if you cooperate with him.


As we continue to witness human intellect, wisdom and understanding failing
as is evidenced through failing global economies; I believe this is the best
time to retreat from the world and find that place of silence, courage and
serenity that sits at the root of every human soul. It is only by going back
to our core that we will be able to draw strength and insight from that
which will not fail i.e. our very authentic selves.


The quest to fulfilling your preordained destiny is not a walk in the park
but it is best game you'll ever play. As you take steps towards unleashing
that which you are destined to be amid the global turbulence, you will be
misunderstood, mocked, suppressed and sometimes you will doubt yourself. The
dark forces of insecure critics will try to keep you down. Living your
heroic ambitions and materializing the potential you have sleeping inside of
you especially in these hard times isn't a game for amateurs.


With the layers of doubt, fear and disbelief people sold us as we left the
wonder of childhood, the majority of us are blinded to our true nature as
well as to the way the world really works. Robin Sharma expressed it well
when he said "Limitation is a mentality that most people practice daily
until it becomes their reality". We see life through a lens made up of our
closely cherished beliefs and regularly run emotional patterns. We rehearse
these constantly until they submerge into our subconscious and the
perception resulting from these rehearsals becomes our reality.


If you're really willing to grow to the full stature of your destiny, cause
and calling whilst you live the rest of your life at iconic levels of
happiness, prosperity and influence, then you need to look no further than
yourself. All that is required is  just to know your true unadulterated


This journey to know your identity has to be embarked by only yourself. It
is the most important journey you will ever take and I can guarantee you
that the rewards will be of epic proportions. Your success will be
determined by your commitment in discovering your true identity. 


Remember that no-one knows better about a product than its manufacturer.  As
such the best starting point to knowing yourself is to go through the manual
that our creator gave us which is the Holy Bible. Start getting the accurate
and correct picture of who you truly are as fulfilling your destiny depends
on having that knowledge. Choose to  live beautifully, and lift our precious
world in the process as you step out of the crowd to fulfil your divine


Invest Wisely!


Bulls n Bears 


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