Destined for Greatness: Your Tuesday Morning Inspiration with Gerald Chinogara

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Tue Jul 6 09:09:24 CAT 2021

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Destined for Greatness: Your Tuesday Morning Inspiration with Gerald



It doesn't matter how dark and deadly your circumstances may be. There is
enough life in God's Word to totally overwhelm all the death that the world
or circumstances can bring you. Very often when one desperately want or need
something new in their life, what one is really craving for is God's
presence and Word. In His presence fear flees. We clearly see this when
Pharaoh's army closed in on the Israelites at the edge of the Red Sea.
Pandemonium ensued as panic gripped the masses surrounding Moses when they
saw their former captors drawing near. As he stood firm amid this chaos, a
supernatural calm covered Moses. He was not swept up in the frenzy of fear
like others around him, instead he fixed his eyes upon the great I AM.
Enveloped in the majesty and power of the Almighty, Moses chose to stand.


Although the vast majority of us will never find ourselves with an army
breathing down our backs and certain death before us, we will surely face
scenarios where our faith is put to the test. Each of us at sometime will
experience Red Sea moments, those times when everything in the natural realm
makes you doubt God, when you are tempted to take matters into you own hands
or caved into ungodly emotion. Whether it is a season of unemployment, or a
family relationship in shambles, the couple struggling with infertility or
even the Christian businessperson belittled for holding to biblical values;
these are the moments that require us to stand. In our Red Sea moments, we
must take what we know about God and stand upon His truths. 


God is always and forever crafting new things out of the old and dried up
areas in our life. He calls things that are not as if they were, and calls
light out of darkness. God does more than just change your circumstances and
battles but writes new glorious stories and adventures. As a teenager
relegated to the back with the sheep, David's father did not see much value
in him to the extent that he excluded David in the sibling lineup for Samuel
to anoint next King. In the end, his earthly father's rejection did not
matter because his heavenly Father had already marked him for future
greatness. David lived as a prisoner of God's creative exuberance as
demonstrate in Psalm 23:5 when he wrote "You prepare a table before me in
the presence of my enemies".


To stand is to put feet to our faith. This is far more than an intellectual
set of beliefs; this is a confidence in the Lord that overrides all voices
of fear. It means trusting in God even when our circumstances scream for us
to do otherwise. At the Red Sea, faith is no longer a theory but a living,
breathing reality. There is nothing like pressing into His presence in
pursuit of our portion through Him. God's presence make broken things whole,
not because of anything that we have done, but because He is whole. Through
Jesus Christ, we are also whole and made new in His presence. Starting today
make it a lifestyle to pursue your Provider with praise, thankfulness with
worship and the truth of His Word because there is nothing in life that has
dependable results like pursuing the Provider.



Gerald is an astute business leader, strategic marketer by profession and a
motivator by calling. Currently he is Head of Marketing & Alternative
Distribution Channels for Old Mutual Zimbabwe. He has over 15 years diverse
business experience at senior and executive management in leading corporate
companies in Zimbabwe.



Invest Wisely!


Bulls n Bears 


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Twitter:         @bullsbears2010

LinkedIn:       Bulls n Bears Zimbabwe


Skype:           Bulls.Bears 





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