Destined for Greatness: Your Tuesday Inspiration with Gerald Chinogara

Bulls n Bears bulls at
Tue May 25 16:29:21 CAT 2021

 <mailto:info at> 


Destined for Greatness: Your Tuesday Inspiration with Gerald Chinogara



As we celebrate Africa Day it got me thinking why a continent so
extravagantly endowed with natural resources more than any on this planet
has most of her people living in abject poverty. As I reflected on this, I
noted the African story has a lot of similarities with most people's lives,
even though we are children of the Almighty God we live far below our
potential. Although we are not born into greatness, we earn it by drawing
out the divine gifts we are endowed with at birth. The greatness I am
alluding to is that which see you prosper in all areas of life be it
financial, relationships, family, health and spiritual well-being.
Unfortunately, most of us escape greatness by shunning the prerequisite
responsibility of understanding how to effectively deploy these preordained
divine gifts just as much as we have failed to harness the richness of
Mother Africa for our exploitation. 


Instead, we give excuses that the extraordinary achievers in life are
genetically special and divinely blessed. In so saying, we avoid having to
learn the lessons, do the training and exercise the grit to make ourselves
into our finest versions. You need to admit that greatness is your destiny,
and then move forward with resolve, believing you can change through the
power and presence of the Holy Spirit within. God doesn't expect us to be
perfect, but He does expect us to make an effort to be more like Him. The
real game changer to greatness is to know God intimately. What if we were so
focused on Him, so in tune with Him, like Jesus we could say, "I do only
what my Father wills."? Apart from Him, apart from full submission to Him,
our efforts lead to futility.


No matter how great our career,, or how devoted our service, if it's not
ignited, guided and sustained by the Holy Spirit, it will be nothing but the
effort of man operating on the wisdom of man to do the things of man as
captured in John 6:63 "It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits
nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life."
Throughout Scripture, we are told the Holy Spirit guides us, has fellowship
with us, teaches us, fills us, and overshadows us. Our ultimate goal should
be to be open vessels, ready to do God's will as we are called to be more.
However, to be filled, we must first be emptied of ourselves, our wants, our
desires. I believe anytime we cling to anything, even good things other than
God, they become a hindrance to the working of the Holy Spirit.


That job we fear losing, the project we cannot let fail, whatever it is;
when we begin to hold tight to it, we begin to operate in our own will. To
be overshadowed, we need to stay surrendered completely, focused on our God.
Let us be driven by the Holy Spirit, so infused by His presence that His
love compels us. Let us allow Him to remove all expectations and obligations
except that of drawing near to Him in full surrender, listening to His
voice, and obeying. As we become effective and efficient conduits of God's
power and grace, this will see Africa rise to claim its rightfully position
amongst powerful nations of the world. As you yield and intimately know Him,
may your name be counted amongst those that God will mightily use to make
our beloved continent Africa arise and shine. Remember the greatest of
Africa will come from each one of us' distinctive and meaningful
contribution. Happy Africa Day.


Gerald is an astute business leader, strategic marketer by profession and a
motivator by calling. Currently he is Head of Marketing & Alternative
Distribution Channels for Old Mutual Zimbabwe. He has over 15 years diverse
business experience at senior and executive management in leading corporate
companies in Zimbabwe.



Invest Wisely!


Bulls n Bears 


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Skype:           Bulls.Bears 





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