Major International Business Headlines Brief::: 18 December 2023

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Major International Business Headlines Brief:::  18 December 2023 








ü  Mozambique: Debts - Privinvest Presents Closing Arguments

ü  Uganda: Parliament Permits Loans for Vital Road Upgrades

ü  Uganda: Museveni Launches Digital Portal to Protect Investors

ü  Uganda Reopens Key Bridge Renovated By Chinese Contractor

ü  Kenya: President Ruto Stresses Commitment to Tough Economic Decisions for Kenya's Stability

ü  Nigeria: Special Report - Lawmaker Inserted Same Project Four Times in Nigeria's Budget

ü  Nigeria: China, Nigeria Can Leverage Fashion Show to Boost Textile Industry, GDP - Envoy

ü  Kenya: Rainforest Alliance to Support Kenyan Coffee to Meet Global Standards

ü  East Africa: Somalia Joins East Africa Trade Bloc

ü  Nigeria: We'll Pass N2.246trn Lagos Budget Before Jan. 1 - Speaker

ü  West Africa: Ecowas Finally Suspends Niger Republic

ü  Nigeria: I Will Make Nigeria Import, Export Hub - Tinubu

ü  Kenya: Travel Agents Welcome Govt's Visa-Free Requirement for Visitors

ü  Tanzania: Govt Elevates Transport Sector






Mozambique: Debts - Privinvest Presents Closing Arguments

London — Lawyers for Lebanese billionaire Iskandar Safa and his Privinvest group of companies on Friday at the High Court in London argued that Mozambique had conceived the idea of building a tuna fishing fleet long before Privinvest arrived in the country and that it was the then President, Armando Guebuza, who had approached Privinvest for help building a fishing fleet.


The High Court is hearing the closing arguments of lawyers acting for the litigants in the case of the "hidden debts' where Mozambique is seeking 3.1 billion US dollars in damages from Privinvest and Safa. In addition, Mozambique is seeking to cancel debts held by the Russian-linked banks VTB Capital and VTB Bank (Europe), and the Portuguese bank BCP.



The case centres on loans of over two billion US dollars made in 2013 and 2014 to three fraudulent security-linked Mozambican companies (Proindicus, Ematum, and MAM) by Credit Suisse and VTB. Some of these loans were syndicated, meaning that they were offered out to other lending institutions such as BCP.


In theory, the loans were for amongst other things a tuna fishing fleet, shipyards, and maritime security. But none of these ventures ever came close to making a profit and soon became bankrupt. However, that was far from the end of the story as the project's debts were backed by undisclosed state guarantees meaning that the government became responsible for paying off these debts.


Lawyers acting on behalf of the Mozambican Attorney General's Office (PGR) have argued that the case is essentially "simple'. Barrister Jonathan Adkin told the Court on Wednesday that "Mr Safa and Privinvest offered and paid bribes to public officials and associates to obtain signed transactions and guarantees. As a result of these transactions and guarantees, the Republic suffered and continues to suffer enormous losses'.



However, Privinvest's lawyer, Duncan Matthews, stressed that Mozambique was very keen to protect its territorial waters and believed that it could fund this by charging hydrocarbon companies operating off the coast of the northern province of Cabo Delgado for security services. He claimed that Mozambique had relied on the South African Navy for protecting its territorial waters and that it wanted its build its own capacity to ensure its sovereignty.


Matthews put the current president of Mozambique, Filipe Nyusi, right at the heart of the three projects. However, he then went on to characterise President Nyusi as the individual who decided to stop the implementation of the projects as part of an alleged vendetta against former President Guebuza.



He argued that Privinvest did everything possible to make the projects a success including offering to extend the Proindicus loan without cost, to give training for Ematum personnel without charge, and to provide a training school and equipment for MAM without cost.


No evidence for any of this was presented at the trial in Maputo in 2021-2022 of 19 people accused of involvement in the hidden debts.


Perhaps Matthews' strongest argument was to ask why Privinvest would fail to provide successful projects when it was very keen to maintain relations with both Mozambique and the banks. Privinvest has supplied equipment around the world, he said, and asked why would they not want the Mozambique projects to be a success.


However, it could equally be argued that if President Nyusi had been at the centre of the genesis of the projects why would he want them to fail? If they had been successful, they would have brought thousands of jobs, increased sovereignty, and made Mozambique a regional pole for shipbuilding.


To get closer to the truth of whether Privinvest were committed to the success of the three projects, we can look at just one example of the equipment supplied - the interceptor vessels that were intended to protect Mozambican waters from pirates and illegal fishing. Expert witnesses, including Rear Admiral Jean Louis Barbier who gave his opinion on behalf of Privinvest, agreed on many points that the equipment sold for protecting the Exclusive Economic Zone was unsuitable.


For example, Rear Admiral Barbier accepted in cross-examination that the intercept vessels - which were among the fastest in the world - did not have any onboard weapons which prevented them from taking offensive action. So, they could rush at great speed out to the dhow or skiff that was posing a threat but would then have to loiter at a safe distance.


Privinest could make a great deal of money on the corrupt deals by overcharging for the assets it sold to Proindicus, Ematum and MAM. An independent audit of the three companies in 2016 showed that the fishing boats, patrol vessels, radar stations and other equipment provided by Privinvest were vastly overpriced. The auditors put the over-invoicing at over 700 million dollars.


Matthews admitted that it was a strange case where the accused acknowledged making payments to many of the key players. But he argued, as Privinvest has from the start of the scandal, that the company never paid any bribes. The company has released to the Court details of approximately a hundred payments that Mozambique claims are bribes. But he argued that these were all either legitimate consultancy fees, campaign contributions, or investments in Mozambique.


As far as Mozambique is concerned, these are all just euphemisms for bribes.


Privinvest admitted that it paid the then Finance Minister, Manuel Chang, seven million US dollars. Two million dollars were sent to the company Genoa for "joint investments in real estate'. A further five million dollars were sent to the company Thyse for "investment in a bank and/or Sovereign Wealth Fund'.


Privinvest accepted that none of these investments materialised and argued that the funds were then repurposed to fund Chang's campaign for the Assembly of the Republic in the 2015 elections.


Chang was indeed elected to the Assembly from the southern province of Gaza. But he had no campaign of his own, separate from the campaign of the ruling Frelimo Party.


Central to the Mozambican case is that Chang overstepped his authority to obtain this payment from Privinvest. It has shown that the guarantees he signed hugely exceeded the ceiling on guarantees fixed by the 2013 and 2014 state budget laws and that these ceilings are mandatory.


Mozambique's case, as presented by Adkin was that the project would not have gone ahead without the bribes. Indeed, earlier in the trial, he pointed out that it is immaterial whether the payments were bribes or "investments' if the purpose was to induce government officials to adopt to the projects.


Closing arguments in the case will continue until 21 December, but Judge Robin Knowles is expected to take several months before announcing his decision





Uganda: Parliament Permits Loans for Vital Road Upgrades

Kampala — The government received the green light to finance major road works under the Upgrading of National Roads Project in Uganda, through loan funding worth US$325 million (Shs1.23 trillion).


This was during the plenary sitting chaired by Speaker, Anita Among, on Wednesday.


The loan will be secured from the Islamic Development Bank (US$295 million) and the OPEC Fund for International Development (US$30 million), whereas the government is expected to provide US$22 million for land acquisition.


The funding aims at rehabilitating the Masindi Port Bridge designed for 100 years of design life, as well as roads including Katine-Ochero Road, Kiruhura-Bwizi-Rwamwanja-Kahunge Road and Mpara-Bwizi Road, each of which designed for 20 years of design life.


The Deputy Chairperson of the Committee on National Economy, Hon. Robert Migadde, observed that as much as Uganda's public debt remains within sustainable levels, the country is rated at moderate risk of debt distress.


"The Committee recommends that the Minister for Finance renegotiates the risk premium to a lower rate and also have it fixed for the entire debt servicing period," he said.


-Independent (Kampala).





Uganda: Museveni Launches Digital Portal to Protect Investors

Kampala — President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni launched the Electronic Investors Protection Portal (EIPP), a digital platform designed to safeguard investment processes in Uganda.


The portal which is an initiative of the State House Investors Protection Unit headed by Col. Edith Nakalema will among others; offer guidance to investors through access to authentic government sources, give a comprehensive reporting mechanism for investor inquiries and complaints and offer robust enforcement and follow-up on reported issues, complemented by regular feedback to investors.


It will also offer a valuable bridge connecting investors with relevant Ministries, Departments, and Agencies and language translation features to accommodate non-English speaking investors.


While commissioning the portal, President Museveni commended Col. Nakalema for the initiative that has come in handy to support the historical mission of modern societies such as Uganda to create prosperity which in modern times is a result of producing a good or a service and selling it either as an investor or an employee.


The ceremony took place at State House, Entebbe.


-Independent (Kampala).





Uganda Reopens Key Bridge Renovated By Chinese Contractor

Kampala — Uganda has reopened a key bridge on an international highway connecting it to four other countries.


The Katonga bridge, destroyed by flash floods in May, was restored and upgraded by Chinese Communications Construction Company (CCCC).


The bridge is on the highway connecting Uganda with Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.


Allan Ssempebwa, the communications officer at Uganda National Roads Authority, told Xinhua by telephone Saturday that the bridge was reopened on Friday.


"When the bridge was washed away, we thought of a quick, efficient company to restore it. CCCC came to our mind because they had done similar work within Uganda," Ssempebwa said.


"With modern technology they were able to build a steel bridge in the shortest time possible to accommodate all types of vehicles," he added.


"This road is very important because it connects Uganda with other regional countries," he said.




-Independent (Kampala).





Kenya: President Ruto Stresses Commitment to Tough Economic Decisions for Kenya's Stability

Nairobi — President William Ruto says he has made tough yet essential decisions to stabilize Kenya's economy and is committed to avoiding artificial measures aimed at gaining popularity.


During a joint media interview at State House on Sunday night, the President said that unlike the previous administration where he served as Deputy President, his government would not provide subsidies on consumption or fuel prices, considering them artificial solutions.


Ruto acknowledged that the government had made commitments, but changing circumstances, including rising commodity prices, had necessitated adjustments. He urged Kenyans to exercise patience as his administration worked to stabilize the economy.



Regarding fuel prices, the President pointed out that they were influenced by international market forces and producers, leaving the government with limited control over them. Despite recent decreases in fuel prices, Ruto humbly declined credit, attributing the reduction to international market dynamics.


"The price of fuel is not determined by the Government of Kenya; it is determined by the producers. That is why today the price of fuel in Kenya is the same in Uganda and Tanzania because we buy from the same place," he explained, adding that Kenya's taxes as a percentage of GDP were lower than countries like South Africa, Morocco, and Tunisia.


President Ruto defended his numerous international trips, emphasizing that they were focused on addressing the country's challenges rather than tourism.


"I am not traveling around the world as a tourist," he said, "I am doing my job of seeking solutions to our problems."



He highlighted efforts to boost foreign exchange earnings by facilitating Kenyan employment in foreign countries through bilateral labor agreements with nations such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Germany, and Canada.


Ruto also emphasized the importance of reducing unnecessary imports, such as cement, steel, and furniture, and boosting local manufacturing to reduce the outflow of foreign currency. He expressed a vision of Kenya becoming self-sufficient in food production within a year.


The President underscored his government's efforts to prevent Kenya from falling into debt distress and maintain inflation and money supply under control. He noted that a significant portion of government revenue went toward servicing inherited debt, which impacted areas like education, health, security, and public services.


President Ruto reiterated his administration's commitment to making tough decisions for the sake of Kenya's economic stability and the welfare of its citizens.


He emphasized the importance of addressing challenges such as inflation, debt management, and self-sufficiency in various sectors to secure the country's future prosperity.


-Capital FM.





Nigeria: Special Report - Lawmaker Inserted Same Project Four Times in Nigeria's Budget

A total of N229.5 million was allocated for the construction of the road in the 2022 Appropriation Act in a manner that has been questioned by experts.


Boluwatife Ekanem, a mother of three, runs a small shop at Irebami, in Ile-Ife, Osun State. But she had not opened her shop for many months when a PREMIUM TIMES reporter met her in August.


A road that passes through the area had attracted her and many other small retail businesses into the area. But as the road collapsed, patronage gradually dried up for the businesses.


In December 2022, a Facebook post by Abimbola Ajilesoro, a member of the House of Representatives, excited Mrs Ekanem and other traders and residents in the area.



The three-minute video, with a song rendered in Yoruba language playing in the background, captures stages of construction work on the road, beginning from the installation of the drainage earlier that year.


Mr Ajilesoro, who was seeking re-election in the 2023 general election, promised that work on the 1.5-kilometre road would soon be completed and the agony of the residents of the area and other users of the road would end. Mrs Ekanem and many other users of the road praised the lawmaker.


Work abandoned


Unfortunately, work on the road was abandoned at about the time Mr Ajilesoro won the 18 March election. The hope that the construction work once elicited among the people in the community has given way to anger and despair.


"We are not enjoying any benefits from the half-completed road," Mrs Ekanem said near her shop. The thick layer of dust on the door of the shop tells a graphic story of the hardship faced by the people of Irebami because of the condition of the road.


"It's not that there are no goods in my shop, but I locked it up because there is no sale because people have stopped using the road. When they see stagnant pools of water on the road, they take alternative routes," she lamented.


When this reporter visited the community around 11 a.m. on a Monday in September, the majority of the shops were closed. In the few that were open, the goods were covered with clothes to shield them from dust.


As of the time the workers left the site in March, over N163.9 million had been released to two contractors handling the 1.5-kilometre road but the road was yet to be completed.


Puzzling questions



The construction of the Irebami Lane IV road by the federal government is raising many puzzling questions. How did a small road in Ife, which ordinarily ought to be under the care of the local or state government, find its way into the federal budget? Why was the contract for a single 1.5km road split into four and inserted in Nigeria's budget that way?


PREMIUM TIMES' investigation revealed how the lawmaker inserted the project into the 2022 Appropriation Act, duplicated the same project as four separate line items and also nominated it into the 2023 Zonal Intervention Project (ZIP). The investigation also showed why two different contractors were working on the project at the same time.


Infrastructure Deficit


According to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), Nigeria has a massive infrastructure deficit with a total infrastructure stock of only 30 per cent of its gross domestic product (GDP). This is way below the international benchmark of 70 per cent set by the World Bank. With Nigeria's population growing at a rate of over 2.5 per cent per year and an expected population of 400 million people by 2050, the infrastructure will continue to be overwhelmed.


As a result, politicians dangle the provision of infrastructure as a pie before voters in every election cycle. Even legislators, whose main responsibility does not include the execution of projects, have moved in with the controversial ZIPs to have something to point to as their achievements in their constituencies.


The lawmakers also argue that without the ZIPs, which are inserted into the annual federal government budget, many local communities will have no government presence despite their needs.


Under the ZIP, also known as the Constituency Project Fund for which the National Assembly allocates N100 billion annually, lawmakers nominate projects for execution in their constituencies through the ministries, departments and agencies of the federal government. However, the flawed budgeting process and poor funding of the budgets often leave a trail of abandoned ZIPs across the country, such as the Irebami road rehabilitation project.


Lawmakers are seldom satisfied with the ZIP fund -- they also lobby appropriation committees to include other projects in the budget, a practice dubbed "budget padding" by Nigerians.


In the 2022 Appropriations Act as amended, the Irebami Line 4 road was nominated into the budget multiple times. A thorough review of the entire budget showed that the 1.5-kilometre road was nominated four times with little adjustments to the name.


The first one has reference number ERGP202200969 and is titled 'Construction Of Access Road At Irebami Street/Irebami Line 4, Off Fajuyi Street, Ile-Ife, Osun, State Phase 5. The budget plan for the project was N85 million while the Nigerian Building And Road Research Institute (NBBRI), Lagos, an agency under the Federal Ministry Of Science, Technology And Innovation, is the implementing agency.



In the same 2022 budget, the project was listed as ERGP202201153 and titled Construction Of Access Road At Irebami Street/Irebami Line 4, Off Fajuyi Street, Ile-Ife, Osun, State Phase 1 tagged "New Project." Again, another N85 million was allocated under the same NBBRI.


Further findings revealed that it was also nominated as ERGP202202109 and titled Construction Of Access Road At Irebami Street/Irebami Line phase 3 with allocation of N25.5 million under the same NBBRI but tagged "ongoing".


Finally, the road was also nominated as ERGP202203596 and titled; "Construction Of Access Road At Irebami Street/Irebami Line phase 5" with the allocation of N34 million with the tag of "New".


In all, a total of N229.5 million was allocated for the construction of the road in the 2022 Appropriation Act. About 178 million of that amount had been released by the end of April 2023.


When contacted, the lawmaker justified the insertion and splitting of the same road project into four different projects in Nigeria's national budget. "I have split all the money in the project around in order to get the road done gradually," he said.


The choice of NBBRI - a research institute - as the implementing agency raises a red flag because ordinarily, road projects are supposed to be implemented by the Ministry of Works.


Secondly, a review of the 2022 Appropriation Act shows that the National Assembly increased the capital projects component of the budget of the Federal Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation from the N70.3 billion proposed by the executive to N153.4 billion.


NBBRI alone got N76 billion as capital projects in the 2022 budget with most of the projects nominated by members of the National Assembly. Many of the projects are the construction of roads, schools, etc. These are projects lawmakers like to build in their constituency. It is unclear why the lawmakers dumped all these projects in the budget of NBBRI.


Details of released sum from 2022 budget


For the contractor, according to Govspend, a database of all government spending, this paper discovered that the contract for the road was awarded to two contractors; Rubila Nigeria Limited and Archad Project Limited.


According to the document, on 11 March 2023, N49.6 million was paid to Rubila Nigeria Limited by the NBRRI, Lagos for the construction of the road. Again, another N14.1 million was paid for the same project on 18 April 2023. In total, we traced N63.7 million to Rubila Nigeria Limited.


PREMIUM TIMES found another N77.414 million transferred to Archad Project Limited on 22 December 2022 and another N36.9 million on 31 December 2022 under the 2022 Appropriations Act. A sum of N114.3 million was traced to Archad Project Limited.


In all, this reporter traced N178.01 million released for the project under the 2022 Appropriation Act.


Another N74 million allocated in 2023


PREMIUM TIMES also discovered a 2023 ZIP nominated by the lawmaker, with the title: Construction of road and Asphalt laying of selected areas in Ife federal constituency with N74 million budgeted amount. The project was tagged as "new".


This was awarded to Archad Project Limited, suite D12/D13 J-Plus plaza, Jimmy Carter Street, Area2, Garki Abuja supervised by Ogun Osun River Basin Development Authority, Alabata Road Abeokuta, under the Ministry of Federal Ministry of Water and Resource.


On the surface, this project seems not to be connected to the Irebami Lane 4 road. However, this paper discovered that the title of the project was left vague to deceive the people. Mr Ajilesoro confirmed this during a meeting with him in his office.


"That is why I used it in this line of budget here, 'the construction of road and asphalt laying of selected roads in Ife federal constituency' because I don't want people to know that I am targeting it to the road alone because people would carry the rumour that I am only targeting my town. But in the agency, they know this money was going to the road," he said during a meeting with a PREMIUM TIMES reporter in his office at the National Assembly Complex in Abuja.


When asked the reason for the delay in the project, Mr Ajilesoro said the total released fund was expended on the construction of the drainage, stating that he was expecting to use the release for the ZIP in 2023 to fund the project. According to him, the federal government has released 50 per cent of the N74 million to the contractor. However, the contractors cannot resume at the site until after the rainy season.


"What remains there is asphalting, I gathered money around to implement the project, the quality of the drainage, eat (sic) all the money, the money finished and (agency) now said for them to continue the project, they cannot put money from their agency to the project, so I split the budget into other projects, for the asphalting of the road," Mr Ajilesoro said.


"Now they have released 50 per cent of the money but they cannot do it because it cannot do anything, so we wait until the end of October if money will be added to this project in order to cover the road," he said while dismissing the concerns raised by the people of Irebami.


However, the way and manner the project is being executed appear to meet the definition of budget padding and show a total disregard for the Procurement Act. Through the use of deceptive project titles, the lawmaker was able to nominate the project several times in the same budget.



To avoid public scrutiny, he also used deceptive project titles to deceive his constituents on the location of a project by tagging it "Construction of road and Asphalt laying of selected areas in Ife federal constituency," whereas the project is in his community.


The use of vague and deceptive project titles is not peculiar to Mr Ajilesoro. The 2022 budget was littered with similar schemes. For instance, there is a N56,390,572 that appeared four times in the budget as "Construction of Boreholes at Various Locations." It appeared for Lagos, Osun, Ogun and Oyo.


Budget Padding


Padding of budgets with projects is a recurring issue in Nigeria. Often, lawmakers lobby the appropriations committees to insert such projects into the federal budget.


The Chairman of the House Committees on Appropriations in the 8th Assembly, Abdulmummin Jibrin, accused the then Speaker, Yakubu Dogara, of padding the budget with frivolous projects. Mr Jibrin's accusation became the "budgeting padding scandal."


Mr Jibrin said the then-speaker colluded with his deputy, Yusuf Lasun, Chief Whip Alhassan Doguwa, and Minority Whip Leo Ogor to earmark up to ₦40 billion to themselves in the National Assembly budget.


In 2018, former President Muhammadu Buhari criticised the National Assembly for inputting projects into the budget without proper conceptualisation and approval.


"Many of the projects cut are critical and may be difficult, if not impossible, to implement with the reduced allocation. Some of the new projects inserted by the National Assembly have not been properly conceptualized, designed and cost and will therefore be difficult to execute," Mr Buhari had said.


President Bola Tinubu also warned lawmakers against the practice of inserting projects into the budget, adding that projects should be domiciled in relevant MDAs.


"We must ensure that only projects and programmes with equitable benefits are allowed into the 2024 Budget. Additionally, only projects and programmes which are in line with the sectoral mandates of MDAs and which are capable of realizing the vision of our government should be included in the budget," Mr Tinubu said during the budget presentation.


We need N150 million for Ashphat - Ajilesoro


As things stand, the success of this project may depend on the lawmaker being able to "find the money in the budget." Mr Ajilesoro told PREMIUM TIMES that the road needs N150 million more.


"We will need almost N150 million to complete the asphalting of the road so we need more than N150 million budget for the road. So I have split all the money in the project around in order to get the road done gradually. That is my agreement with the agency and contractor," he said.


He also said he could not say when the project would be completed as he was trying to get the funds for the asphalting of the road.


"The money that will complete the asphalting of the road, the contractor will be spending up to N150 million to complete it, so for this we have to wait for the fund," he concluded.


Duplications are deceitful - Experts


The process of funding the project was criticised by experts who spoke with PREMIUM TIMES. Iyanuoluwa Bolarinwa, the acting head of Open Governance and Institutional Partnership of BudgIt, said the budget process adopted by the lawmaker is fraudulent. He said if the proper procurement process had been followed, the bill of quantity submitted by the contractor would have shown how much it cost to construct the road.


"Because you and I would agree that you actually costed the project before you gave the particular amount, so there was a contractor that handled the project and he gave you the bill of quantity and you use that bill of quantity to raise your money. So you can't tell me that the bill of quantity is not sufficient and you have now decided to raise the money three times, that is a fraud," Mr Bolarinwa said in a phone interview.


He said his organisation, which focuses on transparency in budgeting and governance, had encountered similar projects that it referred to the anti-graft agencies, the ICPC and EFCC, for investigation.


"So what we do in that case is, when we see things like that, we write and collate all of them, we send them to ICPC for investigation. But you know, it's not a process that is fast and our laws sometimes can be funny. Sometimes they don't attend to those petitions on time, sometimes it can take a long time. We have also seen cases where people go back to return some money to the treasury because they know that there is now a lot of attention on them," he said.


A construction expert, Bhadmus Hamzat, said to install and complete the drainage in a road that is 1.5km long, the contractor will not use up to N30 million. But the lawmaker said the Irebami road drainage consumed beyond N62 million.


Mr Hamzat, a retired staff of the Ministry of Works, said the total cost of the project should have been contained in the Bill of Engineering Measurement (BEME). He said the construction shows that the proper procurement process was not followed, particularly Section 18 of the Public Procurement Act.


"You can never use N30 million to construct a lined drain for a 1.5 km road, not to talk of a road which is not up to that. But only if the contractor also wants to chop (sic) money. According to the federal government specification and using BEME, to determine the cost, only if the contractor wants to gain in excess, then I won't doubt it, but that is too outrageous," he said.


PREMIUM TIMES wrote a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to the Ogun/Osun River Basin Development Authority on the asphalting phase of the project. However, the agency has yet to respond to the FOI request.


While the construction of the road lingers, for the people of Irebami Lane 4 like Mrs Ekanem, the real cost is on their pocket and health. With the dry season fast approaching, they can only hope that the road will get some attention.


Soloko Adojokun, 76, is a chief in the community. He said the construction workers had said the road would be tarred soon. However, the optimism that the Facebook post evoked has given way to despair.


"The road has been in a bad condition for a long time, and we heard that they want to tar it, but we have yet to see them. We are still expecting them to come back to the road," Mr Adojokun said.


-Premium Times.





Nigeria: China, Nigeria Can Leverage Fashion Show to Boost Textile Industry, GDP - Envoy

Mr Li Xuda, Cultural Counselor of the Chinese Embassy has urged China and Nigeria to exploit the untapped potential of fashion shows to boost textile industry and increase Gross Domestic Product (GDP).


Li, who is also the Director of China Cultural Centre in Nigeria, made the call during the first edition of Sinoma-Nigeria Fashion Show on Saturday in Abuja.


Recall that the show was organised by the Center in collaboration with Sinoma Nigeria Co. Ltd.


He expressed confidence that fashion show could contribute significantly to boosting the textile industry and increase Nigeria GDP in the long run.



According to him, fashion show is not only for entertainment and cultural demonstration around the world, but also a strong language for global communication and cooperation.


"In Nigeria and China, lots of people like to watch fashion shows which are bringing more people to engage in jobs relating to the fashion industry and promoting the purchase of textiles.


"We believe that fashion shows can contribute to building a bridge for boosting the textile industry, increase the country's GDP and advance cooperation between China and Nigeria.


"We also think that these fashion shows will help us to discover the beauty of diverse cultures and support in building up our fashion industry to reach its potential," Li said.


Also speaking, Mr Geng Fengtao, Managing Director, Sinoma Nigeria Co. Ltd, said that when GDP grows, employment opportunities would increase with textile companies hiring more workers.



Fengtao reiterated Sinomo Nigeria's sustained principles of cooperation with local enterprises to contribute to the growth and development of the country.


"We are committed to bringing our most advanced technology and continue to work with Nigerian people to promote local industry such as textile for economic development.


"Clothing is not just a material; it is a rich representation of our culture and a language that adds beauty to our lives which will remain a timeless aspect of our existence.


"I firmly believe that the Sinoma-Nigeria fashion show will effectively showcase the rich culture and also promote cultural exchange between China and Nigeria," he said.


In his remarks, Mr Muhammad Sulaiman, President, China Alumini Association in Nigeria, and the Society of Nigeria Artist, thanked the Chinese Mission and Sinoma Nigeria for organising the event.


Suleiman noted the overwhelming need for textile materials in the country, estimated to be high by 2027 which if adequately tapped, could translate to the growth of the textile industry.


"We look forward to seeing the fashion industry becoming a hub for Nigeria to export textiles beyond the shores of the country and thrive," he said.


NAN reports that the climax of the event is the display of different traditional and modern Chinese and Nigerian outfits by various models, including cultural dances from both countries.







Kenya: Rainforest Alliance to Support Kenyan Coffee to Meet Global Standards

Nairobi — A Non-Governmental Organization ( NGO) has partnered with some cooperative societies affiliated to Gusii Coffee farmers Cooperative Union ( GCFCU) to boost coffee production and farmers earnings.


Rainforest Alliance Regional Director,- Kenya/ Tanzania, Marion Nduta said the NGO has launched Gusii Regenerative Agriculture landscape ( GURAL) coffee project to aid certifying the coffee to meet the global standard.


She said the Alliance is building partnerships to protect and restore forest, biodiversity, improve livelihoods, promote human rights, gender equity and social inclusivity.



"We want to support tea and coffee farmers adapt and mitigate climate change through nature-based solutions and locally-led actions" Nduta said during the launching of the project at Dallas Inn hotel in Kisi town yesterday.


The Director noted high demand for coffee and tea in the global market has contributed to 75 percent of deforestation, fueled the climate change crisis, noting, over 80 percent of people in rural areas live in extreme poverty.


6 percent of companies noted the Director are driven by business interest and disregard sustainability, noting, they have no back up on agro-biodiversity and data.


"The Alliance targets to reach 1 m farmers by 2030 through the project . We want people and nature to thrive in harmony" the Director noted.


The Union's Chief Executive Officer, Dr Robert Mainya said the European Union member countries have passed laws not to allow uncertified coffee from Kenya, stressing, the Alliance's intervention was timely.



He lauded the Alliance for piloting the project in some coffee cooperative societies, adding, all the Union's Societies will be covered before the end of next year's December


"The union has 28 affiliate coffee cooperative societies and 6 are being piloted. We have 60,000 farmers who produce 15 m kgs of coffee every year" Mainya said.


Alice Manoti, Nyamira Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries County Executive Committee Member lauded the Alliance for partnering with Kisii and Nyamira counties to enhance sustainable coffee production.


She said that the county has prioritized coffee production, noting the upcoming industrial park will help market the coffee in international markets to improve their earnings.


"We are ready to partner and take our coffee to the next level, manage the environment and test soil fertility to determine the right nutrients to plant specific crops to benefit farmers" Manoti said.


Nyamira County Water, Energy, Forests and Climate change CEC John Matiang'I said the county has rolled out a campaign to remove eucalyptus trees from along riparian and water sources to protect them.


She commended the Alliance for advocating for production of quality and certified coffee to be allowed and sold in European markets and fetch high prices to benefit farmers.


"If farmers produce poor quality coffee, it will not be allowed in the global market and the coffee sector will collapse" Matiang'I said


-Capital FM.




East Africa: Somalia Joins East Africa Trade Bloc

Somalia on Friday formally signed on as the newest member of the East African Community trade bloc at the presidential residence in Kampala, Uganda.


With fellow dignitaries in attendance, Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud signed the treaty at a brief ceremony presided over by South Sudan President Salva Kirr, current EAC chairman. Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni also witnessed the signing -- which signifies Somalia's accession as the bloc's eighth official member -- on behalf of fellow EAC heads of state.


Somalia's formalized membership within the bloc comes two days after the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank approved $4.5 billion in debt forgiveness for Somalia after the Horn of Africa nation completed years of financial reforms under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative, or HIPC. The move comes as Mogadishu aims to boost the country's war-ravaged economy by expanding free trade across the region.



Somalia's accession follows on the heels of other major developments. The United Nations Security Council on December 1 voted unanimously to remove the final restrictions on weapons deliveries to Somalia's government and its security forces, more than 30 years after an arms embargo was first imposed on the country.


Meanwhile, the Somalia Government Aid Agency and Germany's KfW Development Bank agreed Friday to a nearly $20 million project to boost capacity of Somali banks and develop agriculture, livestock, fishing, education, health and tourism.


The EAC common market, comprising Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda, was founded in 2010. Somalia's accession expands its market and gives the bloc an additional new coastline stretching over more than 3,000 kilometers (1,864 miles) that holds potential for offshore resources like oil and gas.


-on VOA.





Nigeria: We'll Pass N2.246trn Lagos Budget Before Jan. 1 - Speaker

The Speaker, Lagos State House of Assembly, Mr Mudashiru Obasa, has pledged speedy passage of the 2024 budget of Renewed Hope of N2.246 trillion before Jan. 1.


Obasa made this pledge in a statement by his Chief Press Secretary (CPS), Mr Eromosele Ebhomele, in Lagos on Saturday.


The speaker made this known during an official visit by Gov. Babajide Sanwo-Olu to the ongoing three-day budget retreat for Lagos lawmakers and legislative workers in Abuja.


The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the retreat is titled: "Sustainability of Ongoing Reforms in Lagos State: Prospects, Opportunities, and Challenges".



NAN recalls that Sanwo-Olu on Wednesday, presented the Lagos State 024 Budget of Renewed Hope of N2.246 trillion to the state House of Assembly.


The budget comprised a total revenue of N1.848 trillion and deficit financing of N398.28 billion.


Obasa said the essence of the retreat for the lawmakers was to ensure that the budget was passed before Jan. 1, 2024.


"We are working on the 2024 budget, and that is why we are here. I want to assure you that we will do our best to return the approved budget to you as soon as possible.


"It is going to be a New Year present to you and the people of Lagos," the speaker said.


Describing the governor as a leader, brother, and performer, Obasa noted that Sanwo-Olu had always supported the assembly in carrying out its legislative functions.



Obasa thanked the governor for the harmonious relationship between the executive and the legislative in the state.


"We also thank you for not being like other governors who seal up the assembly complex or who remove roofs of assembly buildings.


"That is why Lagos is great and the Lagos assembly is above the common standards of excellence," he said.


Addressing the lawmakers, Sanwo-Olu described them as the best among their counterparts in other state assemblies.


The governor further praised the lawmakers for lifting the bar of legislative excellence in the country.


According to him, this is the best and finest, and it is worthy of emulation. I want to thank you and say that this is indeed how we should always organise ourselves. Keep raising the bar.


Sanwo-Olu thanked the speaker, members, the assembly commission, and staff of the house for always putting Lagos before other considerations.


"You see, what Lagos State is doing shows that we are leading the way for other states to copy. We show the way in legislative, executive, and judicial affairs.


"This is an avenue for you to bond, interact, appreciate one another, and effectively do the job that the people of Lagos have asked us to do.


"There is talk around town that we have a big budget, but I also tell them it is because we are big people in the state.


"I appreciate the fact that you have huge responsibility, and I pray to God Almighty to give you the ability and courage to do the work dispassionately.


"Whatever the outcome is, you can rest assured that the governor will stand by it and work with you," he said.


Sanwo-Olu said there was no animosity between the speaker and himself, saying that they were two different sides of the same coin.


The governor added that they were brothers and friends, and God would lead them to a level where they could take Lagos to an irreversible state.


Sanwo-Olu said President Bola Tinubu was watching them because he had no other state that he could call his own.


According to him, though, he is the President of Nigeria, but he has his roots in Lagos. Our success is his success and Nigeria's success.


He said if they got it right, the whole nation would be on their way to getting it right. (NAN)






West Africa: Ecowas Finally Suspends Niger Republic

ECOWAS had, until Sunday, considered the situation in Niger Republic as an attempted coup.


The Commission of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS/CEDEAO) has officially suspended the Republic of Niger's membership until constitutional order is restored in the country.


This was contained in a statement by the regional body, following the decisions taken at the summit of heads of state and government held on Sunday in Abuja.


"Until the 64th ordinary session held on 10 December 2023, the Conference of Heads of State and Government considered the situation in Niger as a coup attempt and continued to consider Mohamed Bazoum the President of the Republic of Niger, Head of State," the statement said.


"Due to this position, Niger was not suspended from ECOWAS' decision-making bodies and members of Bazoum's government were authorised to represent Niger in ECOWAS' statutory meetings."



"The 10 December summit recognised that Mohamed Bazoum's government had effectively been overthrown by a military coup.


"Consequently, beginning from 10 December 2023, Niger is suspended from all decision-making bodies of ECOWAS, until constitutional order is restored in the country," the statement said.


On Sunday, the ECOWAS leaders' meeting in Abuja asked the military junta of Niger, which came to power in a coup on 26 July, to release the deposed president Mohamed Bazoum in exchange for the lifting of the sanctions imposed on the country.


The proposal was, however, rejected by the leader of the junta, Omar Abdourahmane Tchiani, who reiterated that Mr Bazoum would not be released.


After the summit, the bloc presented the proposal to lift the sanctions in exchange for the freedom of the deposed president, also asking the junta to shorten the duration of the transition period, currently set at three years.


Mr Tchiani agreed to this last request, without, however, specifying by how much.


The sub-regional body also announced the maintenance of sanctions against Niger.




-Premium Times.





Nigeria: I Will Make Nigeria Import, Export Hub - Tinubu

President Tinubu has disclosed plans by his administration to turn Nigeria into a hub of export and import activities.


The president also underscored the need for the integration of complex data to interpret the patterns of transactions and interactions in international trade.


He hinted at plans by his administration to address what he termed historical inadequacies of policymaking that was thwarted by a lack of comprehensive data in Nigeria.


President Tinubu disclosed this yesterday during the 2023 Comptroller-General of Customs Annual Conference at Lagos Continental Hotel, Victoria Island, Lagos, saying because data is the guiding light in the ever-evolving landscape of the modern world, Nigeria can no longer afford to function in the dark.



He lamented the lack of comprehensive data, saying it had been "a technological affliction" that has hindered the growth trajectory of Nigeria and the entire Africa, impeding the ability to make informed governance decisions.


The president, who was represented at the conference by his deputy, Vice President Kashim Shettima, noted that the grand vision of his administration is to deploy data to make sound government decisions.


Shettima, in a statement by his spokesman, Stanley Nwocha, described Tinubu as an "accounting virtuoso" with an unparalleled understanding of data and its significance to piloting the affairs of the country.


He said it was due to his knowledge of data as the invaluable gold of the 21st century that the president strategically appointed tech-savvy Nigerians into critical government positions in order to ensure strategic planning.



He stated: "Even before we were given this mandate, we knew that every facet of our lives is woven with data. We must not only commit to deploying data to make decisions within the government but also address the historical inadequacies of Nigerian policymaking, often impeded by a lack of comprehensive data. Our current governance landscape demands a transformative intervention, and the solution is what has brought us together today.


"Our ambition extends beyond accumulation; it extends to transformation. We aspire to position Nigeria as the preferred destination for all stakeholders involved in export and import activities overseen by the Customs."


"There's no doubt that the chiming of this clock of modernity is inviting us to take action. It's inviting us to adopt evidence-based processes and innovative strategies to align policies with the objectives of this administration, to streamline decision-making, and to resolve conflict arising from misinformation and inconsistent policies within the government.



Observing that the benefits of comprehensive data go beyond determining revenue generation, he said, "Data provides the sharpest lens for us to connect the dots, even in establishing the security of our borders. We can easily determine the traffic of people and goods around a specific border and share indisputable information with other nations with just a punch on our computers.


"Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, I assure you that we remain resolute in our belief that Nigeria is unequivocally on track not only to accumulate terabytes of factual surveys but also to establish a robust public service system that upholds data integrity at its core."


Expressing delight with efforts by the Nigerian Customs Service to accumulate large amount of data to shape a public service system that upholds data integrity at its core, the President noted that the first step is to invest in the training and capacity-building of Customs officers "to stand shoulder to shoulder, terabyte by terabyte, with the best minds in the world."


Declaring the conference open, he expressed hope that discussions at the annual event would set the trajectory for a new era in the Nigeria Customs Service.


Earlier, the Customs comptroller-general G, BA Adeniyi, expressed optimism that the theme of this year's conference would provide guiding standards and principles in helping the Nigerian government open the frontiers, as it is requisite that the Customs streamline and integrate its services in its bid for global service delivery.


In his goodwill message, the Director General of the World Customs Organisation (WCO), Dr Kunio Mikuriya, praised the Nigerian Customs for upscaling global service delivery in maritime service delivery.







Kenya: Travel Agents Welcome Govt's Visa-Free Requirement for Visitors

Nairobi — Travel agents have welcomed a decision by the government to scrap visa requirements for all international visitors effective January 1, 2023.


Through their umbrella body, the Kenya Association of Travel Agents (KATA), they said that the move reinforces the state's commitment to strengthening ties with global partners.


President William Ruto announced during the Jamhuri holiday on Tuesday that the country will be opening its doors to all visitors.


The removal of visa requirements aligns with the African Union's (AU's) call to member states to eliminate barriers to international business, promote cultural exchange, and build communal relationships to speed up the integration process.



It further reinforces Kenya's commitment to the realisation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), which aims to enhance the continent's economic integration, facilitate the movement of people, and promote seamless trade and business activities.


KATA is now urging other AU member states to emulate Kenya's example and eliminate barriers to promote intra-African travel and trade.


"While expressing appreciation for the President's announcement, KATA urges government agencies to move with speed to issue proper guidelines on how the proposed Electronic Travel Authorization will be implemented," KATA said in a statement.


"Considering that we are already in the peak holiday season, KATA would like to see a seamless process that does not inconvenience travelers who have already made their travel arrangements."


-Capital FM.





Tanzania: Govt Elevates Transport Sector

TANZANIA: THE government has expressed commitment of continuing transforming transport sector by instituting a number of measures, including ensuring all major corridors are accessible throughout the year.


Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa expressed the commitment on Thursday when speaking to transportation stakeholders who attended the launch of digital data base for truck drivers in the country prepared by the Tanzania Trucks Owners Association (TATOA).


The Premier said the government is determined to ensure to all regions' headquarters are linked with tarmac roads to fast track economic growth and smoothen trucks operations in the country.



According to the Prime Minister, other measures being instituted to smoothen transport is to ensure all southern, central and northern corridors heading to neighbouring countries including Kenya, DR Congo, Malawi and Zambia are passable without difficulties.


Majaliwa said the government has completed construction of 2,183.82 kilometres of tarmac roads and 14,348 others to the gravel level. According to PM, the government has been rehabilitating various roads to make them passable throughout the year.


Mr Majaliwa said expansion and improvement of roads and ports have significantly contributed to an increase in amount of cargo entering the country through ports by an average of 18 per cent in three consecutive years, from 18 million tonnes in 2020/2021 Fiscal Year to about 25 million tonnes in 2022/2023.


He said delays at the Dar es Salaam Port has been reduced from 14 days to six days.



Majaliwa said 95 per cent of all the cargo is transported to the final destinations overland by trucks.


In that regard, Mr Majaliwa appreciated TATOA's role in creating jobs and revenue payment, creation of foreign currency, development of business and economic growth.


He further said that the government is proceeding with construction of Standard Gauge Railway (SGR), renovation of the Metre Gauge Railway (MGR) and expansion of lake ports in Lake Victoria, Nyasa and Tanganyika.


"All these improvements do not aim to freeze trucks operations because expansion of our ports will increase cargo volume and the ferrying of all cargo to the final destinations will be done by you," he said.


Moreover, he said new ships including the MV Mwanza Hapa Kazi Tu which will operate through Lake Victoria are under construction to facilitate regional trade.



Additionally, he said the government has heightened aviation by expanding airports, including adding more aircraft to the Air Tanzania Company Limited (ATCL), urging truck owners to support the government efforts so that the country can serve as a transport hub in Africa.


Mr Majaliwa further commented TATOA leaders for cherishing technological advancement by improving efficiency through appropriate data storage and usage.


He said the TATOA digital data system comes at right time when there is an increase in cargo volume that demand digital assisted monitoring and coordination.


Mr Majaliwa directed truck owners to use real time data from the digital system to recruit competent drivers while monitoring their performance for high standard transport service delivery in the country.


He said TATOA should cooperate with other government entities such as the Police Force and Land Transport Regulatory Authority (LATRA) to discuss different matters such as road safety, bolstering efficiency.


He also directed all government entities to cooperate with TATOA by sharing information for the development of the sector.


Earlier, Developer of the System, Mr Frank Mwasaluka said the TATOA digital membership management system offers opportunity for members including drivers to register and pay membership fee anytime and anywhere.


He said the system encompasses security system to protect users' information.


TATOA Chairperson, Mr Elias Lukumay commended the government for continuing improving transport infrastructure including ports which are vital in increasing cargo volume and the market share at large.


Mr Lukumay commended Mr Majaliwa for gracing the forum, demonstrating the government commitment to take the transport sector and investments to the next level.


-Daily News.

















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