Coronavirus Global Updates 14 July ::: Vaccine Holdout Tanzania Begins Inoculations With Sinovac Doses; Alpha variant continues to dominate

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Coronavirus Global Updates 14 July :::  Vaccine Holdout Tanzania Begins Inoculations With Sinovac Doses; Alpha variant continues to dominate




Zimbabwe COVID19 Update

COVID-19 update: As at 13 July 2021, Zimbabwe had 73 271 confirmed cases, including 48 102 recoveries and 2 274 deaths. To date, a total of 955 656 people have been vaccinated against COVID-19.


Vaccine Holdout Tanzania Begins Inoculations With Sinovac Doses
Tanzania’s semi-autonomous Zanzibar archipelago begun vaccinations against the coronavirus, leading the way in a nation that downplayed the extent of the pandemic for more than a year.

Health authorities in the Indian Ocean islands started administering  <> Sinovac Biotech Ltd.’s shots on front-line workers last week, Zanzibar’s Health Ministry Permanent Secretary Omar Shajak said, without disclosing the number of doses imported from the Chinese company. They plan to give a second dose after two weeks.



“The Sinovac vaccines were originally meant to be administered to people who wanted to attend the annual Hajj pilgrimage,” Shajak said. “After Saudi Arabia prohibited foreign visitors due to the coronavirus outbreak, we decided to give those vaccines to our front-line workers.”

With Tanzania now inoculating people, Eritrea and Burundi remain the only African countries yet to start vaccinating against the deadly virus. The holdouts, due to reasons from denial of the severity of the disease to logistical challenges and hesitancy, are causing concern that they could become breeding ground for new Covid-19 variants and stifle global efforts to end the pandemic.

Africa has reported almost 6 million cases and fully vaccinated less than 1.2% of its population, according to the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.

Zanzibar aims to inoculate 1.4 million of its 1.6 million people -- including children as young as 10 years -- as part of a plan to reboot its tourism-dependent economy. The wider population will get shots once vials procured by Tanzania’s central government through the Covax vaccine-sharing program arrive, Shajak said.

Tanzania, with approximately 61 million people, halted publishing infection and death rates for more than a year on directives from former President John Magufuli. His successor, Samia Hassan, resumed releasing partial data --  <> 408 cases were reported over the weekend.

President Hassan’s administration submitted a request for vaccines to the Covax facility last month, and asked the International Monetary Fund for $571 million to help the economy recover from the pandemic.

Indonesia’s Daily Cases Surge Past India, Marking New Covid Epicenter
Indonesia surpassed India’s daily Covid-19 case numbers, marking a new Asian virus epicenter as the spread of the highly-contagious delta variant drives up infections in Southeast Asia’s largest economy.

The country has seen its daily case count cross 40,000 for two straight days -- including a record high of 47,899 on Tuesday -- up from less than 10,000 a month ago. Officials are concerned that the more transmissible new variant is now spreading outside of the country’s main island, Java, and could exhaust hospital workers and supplies of oxygen and medication.

Indonesia infections overtake India's as delta variant spreads

Indonesia’s current numbers are still far from India’s peak of 400,000 daily cases in May, and its total outbreak of 2.6 million is barely a tenth of the Asian giant’s 30.9 million. India, with a population roughly five times the size of Indonesia’s 270 million people, saw daily infections drop below 33,000 on Tuesday as its devastating outbreak wanes.

Indonesia reported 907 deaths daily on average in the past seven days -- compared to just 181 a month ago -- while India reported an average of 1,072 daily fatalities.

Developing countries are struggling to contain the virus -- especially delta’s rapid spread -- even as vaccine rollouts are allowing life to return to normal in countries like the U.S. and U.K.

The outbreak in Indonesia underscores the consequences of an unequal global distribution of vaccines that has seen richer countries gobble up more of the supply, leaving poorer places exposed to outbreaks of variants like delta. World Health Organization director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has called the growing divide a “ <> catastrophic moral failure.”

Indonesia has administered vaccines to cover just 10% of its population and India 14%, compared to 46% of the European Union’s population and 52% in the U.S., according to Bloomberg’s Vaccine Tracker. Lacking enough immunizations, the developing world is  <> bearing the brunt of rising case counts and death tolls, with global fatalities reaching 4 million earlier this month.


Health authorities have blamed supply constraints for the sluggish pace of Indonesia’s vaccine rollout. The country has averaged just over 700,000 shots administered daily in July, well below its target of 1 million. Officials aim to raise that goal to 2 million next month with more doses set to arrive, allowing the inoculations to expand to  <> all adults and teenagers.

Indonesia’s positive Covid test rate has reached about 27%, while India’s rate is 2%. Larger numbers indicate a government is only testing the sickest patients, and that there are high levels of undetected infection in the community. Experts say both nations are under-counting cases and deaths by a wide margin given their lack of testing infrastructure.

Indonesia lags behind its vaccine goals even as Covid cases spike sharply

Curbs imposed on Java and tourism spot Bali from July 3-20  <> haven’t eased people’s movements as much as the government had expected.

Residents’ mobility has only eased by 6% to 16% since the restrictions were put in place, whereas authorities had expected a 20% drop, Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin said in a hearing with lawmakers on Tuesday. The government had earlier said that a 50% reduction in mobility was needed to reduce Covid’s spread.

“Our hospitals can’t endure it anymore if we fail to reduce movement by at least 20%,” Sadikin said.

Many Nations Fail Solidarity Test in Covid Fight, Study Finds
Despite calls for solidarity, many countries have undermined the global fight against Covid-19 by acting in their own self-interest and failing to look after their most vulnerable citizens, new research shows.

Inequitable access to vaccines is the most glaring example of the lack of unity, according to the study led by Chatham House, a London-based think tank. Rich countries cornered the market, hampering global partnerships such as the Covax distribution program, the authors wrote.

The analysis published Wednesday also found that 46% of Covid-19 deaths across 21 countries were among care-home residents, people at the highest risk, and pointed to U.K. statistics showing males from a Black African background had a death rate almost four times higher than White men.

The researchers called for urgent steps to tackle disparities that have widened during the pandemic and prepare for the next threats. Scientists, businesses and other groups often have cooperated in innovative ways, but a number of lessons need to be learned, they said. Solutions need to be global, because even if countries reduce the prevalence of infections at home, they may still be at risk of new waves of mutations from abroad.

While countries across Africa and the Caribbean coordinated the sharing and allocating of resources, the European Union struggled to act as a regional bloc and Latin America experienced “political and technical dissonance,” the study found. After a period of U.S. hostility last year toward many multilateral institutions, positive signs are emerging, including the possibility the G-7 and G-20 group of nations may take on a more active role, the authors wrote.

“Solidarity is not just positive rhetoric,” the report found. “It is also a necessary condition for suppressing the pandemic effectively.”

Manitoba reports 25 new COVID-19 cases, 1 death

Health officials announced 25 new cases and one additional death linked to the virus Tuesday.

Data collected by Global News shows the province hasn’t seen a lower daily case count since 24 new cases were reported Sept. 22. The province reported 31 new cases and one death Monday.

The latest Manitoban to fall victim to COVID-19 is a man in his 40s from the Winnipeg Health region. In a release health officials say he had been sickened with the Alpha variant, first identified in the United Kingdom.

Tuesday’s new cases include 13 found in the Winnipeg Health region, seven reported in the Southern Health region, four found in the Northern Health region, and one found in the Prairie Mountain Health region. No new cases were reported in the Interlake-Eastern Health region.

The five-day test positivity rate is 4.5 per cent provincially and four per cent in Winnipeg.

Health officials say 972 tests for COVID-19 were completed Monday.

Meanwhile hospitalization rates continue to fall.

There are currently 133 Manitobans in hospital as a result of COVID-19, down from 138 reported Monday. The latest hospitalization numbers include 32 in Manitoba ICUs and two receiving critical care out of province.

Since March 2020 Manitoba has reported 56,943 COVID-19 cases after two previously announced cases were removed due to data corrections.

Manitoba’s COVID-19 death toll now sits at 1,163.

Alpha variant continues to dominate
The Alpha variant continues to be the most dominant variant of concern in Manitoba, according to a provincial website tracking the more-contagious strains.

Of the province’s 982 active COVID-19 cases 630 are variants, and of those, 405 are the Alpha strain, according to the site.

Another 197 active variant cases have yet to be specified, according to the site, and 23 active cases are the Delta strain, first identified in India.

In all Manitoba has reported 16,078 variant cases including 7,041 Alpha cases, 73 cases of the Beta variant, which first emerged in South Africa, 226 cases of the Gamma variant, first detected in Brazil, and 421 cases of the Delta strain, first identified in India.

Another 8,317 variant cases are listed as as yet unspecified on the province’s site.

A total of 168 COVID-19 deaths in Manitoba have been linked to variants.

On Monday Manitoba’s chief public health officer, Dr. Brent Roussin said getting vaccinated can help prevent the spread of variants in Manitoba.

Roussin said 74 per cent of the 412 people hospitalized due to COVID-19 in June had not received a shot of vaccine, and 22 per cent had one dose.

He said 90 of the 412 COVID-19 patients hospitalized last month ended up in ICU, and of those, 77 per cent had no vaccine dose and three per cent had one shot.

As of Tuesday 76.5 per cent of eligible Manitobans have received one shot of vaccine and 57.8 per cent have received two doses, according to a provincial website tracking vaccinations.

COVID-19: 2 new cases confirmed in Simcoe Muskoka

The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit confirmed two new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, bringing the local total number of cases up to 12,320, including 254 deaths.

Local public health also reported nine new cases of a coronavirus variant on Tuesday, bringing that total to 4,955, including 25 that are active.

The new cases are in both Midland and Innisfil and involved people who are under 17 years of age.

The Innisfil case is community-acquired, while the Midland one is still under investigation.

Meanwhile, 66.7 per cent of the region’s population has received one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, while 42.1 per cent has received both necessary doses.

Of the region’s total 12,320 COVID-19 cases, 94 per cent — or 11,602 — have recovered, while four people are currently in hospital.

On Tuesday, Ontario reported 146 new COVID-19 cases, bringing the provincial total up to 547,409, including 9,258 deaths.

Global Covid-19 cases top 187 million
Global Covid-19 caseload has now surged past 187 million, as the second wave of Covid-19 continues its onslaught across the world even with mass inoculations underway.

The total caseload and fatalities from the virus stand at 187,230,005 and 4,038,806, respectively, as of Tuesday morning, according to Johns Hopkins University (JHU).

So far, 3,461,554,109 Covid vaccine doses have been administered across the globe.

The US has logged 33,886,515 cases and 607,390 deaths to date, according to the data. The death toll in the United States is still the highest in the world.

Brazil registered 595 more Covid-19 deaths in the past 24 hours, raising its national death toll to 533,488, the health ministry said on Monday. As many as 20,937 new cases were detected during the period, taking the total caseload to 19,089,940, the ministry said.

The pandemic continues to spread in many parts of the Asia-Pacific, with Tokyo entering its fourth Covid-19 state of emergency. On the other hand, India reported some 37,154 new cases on Monday, raising the country's Covid tally to 30,874,376, according to the federal health ministry's data.

Besides, 724 more deaths have been recorded since Sunday morning, taking the death toll to 408,764.


Bangladesh recorded 13,768 Covid-19 cases, while 220 people lost the battle to the deadly virus in 24 hours till yesterday morning.

The new numbers took the country's caseload to 1,034,957, while the death toll rose to 16,639, according to the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS).


The government has so far approved the emergency use of Oxford-AstraZeneca, Sinopharm (China), Sputnik-V (Russia), Pfizer-BioNTech (USA/Germany), CronaVac (China), Moderna (America), and Janssen single-dose vaccines.

Amid the deteriorating Covid situation, the government resumed the countrywide mass registration on July 8 for receiving Covid-19 jabs, which was suspended for around three months as vaccine procurement became uncertain.

Bangladesh is currently administering Sinopharm, Pfizer BioNTech, Moderna, and Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines.














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