Coronavirus Global Updates 17 July ::: COVID-19 cases now rising in all 50 states, as global tally tops 189 million

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Sat Jul 17 10:42:59 CAT 2021




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Coronavirus Global Updates 17 July ::: COVID-19 cases now rising in all 50 states, as global tally tops 189 million




Zimbabwe COVID19 Update

COVID-19 update: As at 15 July 2021, Zimbabwe had 78 872 confirmed cases, including 49 774 recoveries and 2 418 deaths. To date, a total of 1 036 252 people have been vaccinated against COVID-19.


Covid Still Killing Americans Faster Than Guns, Cars and Flu Combined

Even with half the U.S. vaccinated, Covid-19 continues to kill people faster than guns, car crashes and influenza combined, according to a review of mortality data. 

The situation has improved dramatically since January, when Covid deaths outpaced heart disease and cancer as the country’s top killer, according to a Bloomberg analysis. Still, for the month of June, coronavirus was responsible for 337 deaths a day. For comparison, the historic average deaths from gunshots, car crashes and complications from the flu add up to 306 a day. 


“The sad reality is that despite our progress, we’re still losing people to this virus,” Jeff Zients, the White House pandemic response coordinator, said at a press briefing last week. “Which is especially tragic given that, at this point, it is unnecessary and preventable. Virtually all Covid-19 hospitalizations and deaths in the United States are now occurring among unvaccinated individuals.” 

Data for the analysis were gathered from Johns Hopkins University, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Rise of Delta

After 10 weeks of global declines in Covid deaths, the highly transmissible delta variant is driving a new uptick. In the U.S., health officials have warned that a similar reversal may be underway: Daily cases have doubled from a low point last month, and hospitalizations are rising again.  

Vaccines by Pfizer Inc. and Moderna Inc. prevent as many as 96% of hospitalizations and deaths from the delta variant, according to recent data from the U.S., U.K. and Israel. The protections are even greater when taking into account the effects of reduced transmission in well-vaccinated communities, as data scientist Cathy O’Neil explained in a  <> Bloomberg Opinion column. 

“Preliminary data from several states over the last few months suggest that  <> 99.5% of deaths from COVID-19 in the United States were in unvaccinated people,” CDC Director Rochelle Walensky reported on Thursday. “Those deaths were preventable by a simple, safe shot.”

Falling Behind on Vaccinations
The U.S. vaccination campaign, however, has stalled. Once the envy of the world for its swift rollout, the U.S. has since been overtaken by more than 20 countries that now have better vaccine coverage, according to  <> Bloomberg’s Covid vaccine tracker. The EU and China, which are currently administering shots at daily rates of about 4 million and 10 million doses respectively, are poised to blow past the U.S. in the next two weeks. 

Not only have U.S. vaccinations slowed to a trickle — just 530,000 a day, on average — but the  <> gap between the most and least vaccinated counties in the U.S. continues to widen. That’s left some some communities especially vulnerable to delta. For unvaccinated people living in  <> low-vaccination communities, the threat posed by Covid-19 is about as bad as it has ever been.


Note: Data as of June 27, 2021. Only includes states where county of residence was available for at least 80% of vaccine recipients and counties with data for most of the time period shown.

“The delta variant is ripping around the world at a scorching pace, driving a spike in cases and deaths,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said during a press briefing Monday. “The pandemic is not over — anywhere.”

Singapore to Donate Vaccines Via Covax, Urges Others to Step Up

Singapore will donate excess Covid-19 vaccines under the Covax initiative as Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong urged countries with advanced inoculation programs to do the same.

Lee didn’t specify when the donations will be made or the amount of doses it will share. He was speaking at an  <> online gathering of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation leaders on Friday. He also called for cooperation to prepare for the next pandemic.

“Covid-19 will not be the last, nor the most serious pandemic the world will face,” Lee said. “We need a more agile global governance and financing mechanism that can swiftly plug gaps in global health security.”

Covax is a global vaccine procurement initiative intended to secure inoculations for low- and middle-income nations. Southeast Asian nations are grappling with a surge in Covid-19 cases that are stressing healthcare facilities and putting strain on global supply chains. That’s prompted calls from the  <> shipping industry and governments to improve access to vaccines in countries like Indonesia and the Philippines. 



Of Vice and Men: Covid in the Gray Zones

Of vice and men

Like all countries that have successfully contained the spread of the virus, Singapore’s strategy relies on a mix of masks, social distancing and aggressive contact tracing. Here that means mandatory  <> Bluetooth-enabled tokens and cell phone apps. In theory, if you ever come close to a Covid case, the government should know.

It works well, to a point. And that point is the door of an establishment that claims to sell one thing and maybe also offers another. Call it a legal “gray zone.” They’re almost impossible to regulate at the best of times.

In Singapore,  <> the system broke down over karaoke bars that were shut down early in the pandemic and later reopened as food and beverage establishments. They also happen to be frequented by hostesses who socialize with patrons, and may or may not trade their company for compensation. Perhaps you “forgot” to bring your contact tracing token. Maybe you “accidentally” switched off your phone. Ask me no questions, I’ll tell you no lies.

 <> In Taipei, it was intimate tea services, helping burst what had been one of the most successful anti-Covid bubbles in the world.  <> In Bangkok, nightclubs and bars. It’s hard to know what really happens behind closed doors—does it really matter?

Vaccinations are supposed to safeguard against all this. And maybe someday they will. But when the eldest get their jabs first, some industries with younger workforces are less likely to be vaccinated, giving outbreaks a better chance to take hold.

Now Singapore is stuck asking men—and it’s usually men—to come clean. For the sake of their country, mere weeks before its National Day, to tell the government where they’ve been. To tell their families to isolate while they test. To tell their wives.

Singapore’s reopening plan has been put on hold. The actions of a few outweigh the compliance of the many. A “new normal” will have to wait.

Police in Singapore are vowing to crack down, threatening jail and fines. Karaoke bars ordered shut. But this type of enforcement has been tried before in many other parts of the world. The industry finds a way. It thrives in the gray zones. So does Covid.—Derek Wallbank

Track the vaccines

The mRNA Vaccine Gap

The latest surge in Covid-19 cases is widening one of the biggest inequities of the pandemic era: The gap between nations that have messenger RNA vaccines and those that don’t. The cutting-edge technology, which made its debut during the pandemic, has proven more effective than any other in staving off infections and serious illness from the coronavirus. Yet just a handful of facilities in the U.S. and Western Europe account for almost all of the world’s mRNA vaccine supply—leaving many countries in a desperate race to catch up.

COVID-19 cases now rising in all 50 states, as global tally tops 189 million

Cases are rising fastest in Arkansas, Florida, Missouri and Nevada, while Los Angeles County is restoring indoor face-mask mandate


The global tally of confirmed cases of COVID-19 climbed above 189 million on Friday, as the highly transmissible delta variant continued to spread across the world, pushing new infection numbers higher in many countries, including the U.S.

COVID-19 cases are rising in every U.S. state, according to data aggregated by Johns Hopkins University, and some have seen them double from a week ago.

The daily average number of new U.S. cases stood at 28,315 on Thursday, according to a New York Times tracker, up 121% from two weeks ago. Hospitalizations and deaths, though well below levels seen at the peak of the pandemic, are also rising, with 20,952 patients in hospitals on Thursday, up 26% from two weeks ago, and 280 fatalities, up 9%, the tracker shows.


Experts continue to express concern about the stalled vaccine program, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s vaccine tracker showing that 48.3% of the overall U.S. population is fully vaccinated, up from 48.2% on Thursday. That means they have had two doses of the vaccines developed by Pfizer  <> PFE, +0.65% with German partner BioNTech  <> BNTX, +4.70% and by Moderna  <> MRNA, +10.30% or one shot of Johnson & Johnson’s  <> JNJ, -0.16% single-dose regimen. The AstraZeneca  <> AZN, -0.30%  <> AZN, -0.07% vaccine has not been authorized for emergency use in the U.S.


Among adults 18 and over, 59.2% are fully vaccinated, while 67.9% have received at least one shot. That’s still below President Joe Biden’s goal of having 70% of the adult population receive at least one jab by July 4. Biden and his administration are pushing hard to persuade unvaccinated Americans to roll up their sleeves, as 99% of recent deaths were among unvaccinated people.

Cases are rising fastest in Arkansas, Florida, Missouri and Nevada, which have vaccinated less than half of their residents. But the situation is troubling elsewhere, too, and Los Angeles County, the biggest county in the U.S., is reimposing an indoor face-mask mandate that includes vaccinated people, as it works to cope with its more than 1,000 new cases a day over the past week, as the Associated Press reported.

“This is an all-hands-on-deck moment,” said Los Angeles County’s public health officer, Dr. Muntu Davis, at a virtual press conference.

U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy warned against the danger of vaccine misinformation, which is undermining the vaccine push.

Misinformation “can cause confusion, sow mistrust, harm people’s health, and undermine public health efforts. Limiting the spread of health misinformation is a moral and civic imperative that will require a whole-of-society effort,” he said in remarks at the White House and in a 22-page advisory.



On Thursday, the World Health Organization again warned that new variants will continue to emerge as long as the virus keeps spreading, and new ones could be more lethal or prove resistant to vaccines, undermining the entire effort.

Elsewhere, the European Union’s disease agency is predicting a sharp increase in COVID cases by Aug. 1, due to the delta variant, AFP reported. The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) expected to see 420 cases per 100,000 inhabitants for the week ending Aug. 1, up from just under 90 last week, it said in a weekly report.

The WHO’s Africa head has warned that recent protests and rioting in two of South Africa’s most populous provinces will likely spark a surge in new cases.

“We are concerned about the last three or so days of rioting in some parts of South Africa, it may exacerbate the situation of a very severe wave,” Matshidiso Moeti, the WHO’s director for its Africa region, said on a conference call on Thursday, according to News24.

In the U.K., there is growing concern about Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s plan to fully reopen England on Monday, even as new delta cases are climbing rapidly. Earlier this week, a group of 1,200 scientists published a letter in the Lancet, warning that the strategy could create new variants.

Government advisers in New Zealand, Israel and Italy have added their voices to the chorus, the Guardian reported, warning that Britain’s position as a global transport hub would rapidly export any new variants all over the world.


Latest tallies

The global tally for the coronavirus-borne illness stood at 189.1 million on Friday, while the death toll climbed further above 4.06 million, according to data aggregated by Johns Hopkins University.

The U.S. leads the world with a total of 33.9 million cases and in deaths with 608,410.

India is closing in on the U.S. in cases at 31 million but is third in deaths at 412,531, while Brazil is second in deaths at 538,942 and third in cases at 19.3 million.

Mexico has fourth highest death toll at 235,740 but has recorded just 2.6 million cases, according to its official numbers.

In Europe, Russia leads in deaths with 144,446 fatalities, while the U.K. has 128,864, making Russia the country with the fifth highest death toll in the world and highest in Europe.

China, where the virus was first discovered late in 2019, has had 104,194 confirmed cases and 4,848 deaths, according to its official numbers, which are widely held to be massively underreported.


India Reports 38,949 New Cases, 542 Deaths In Last 24 Hours
The active cases have declined to 4,30,422, comprising 1.39 per cent of total infections in the country.

India reported on Friday 38,949 new cases of COVID-19 and 542 more fatalities in the last 24 hours, taking its total tally to 3,10,26,829 cases and 4,12,531 deaths, according to a health ministry release. The active cases have declined to 4,30,422, comprising 1.39 per cent of total infections. India's COVID-19 recovery rate now stands at 97.28 per cent. The number of people who've recovered from the disease stands at 3,01,83,876. India has so far administered 39.53 crore vaccine doses under the nationwide inoculation drive against COVID-19, according to the Centre.

The World Health Organization (WHO) warned Thursday that "more dangerous" variants of Covid-19 could tear across the world as global infections soared to half a million daily, largely driven by the virulent Delta strain. "The pandemic is nowhere near finished," the WHO's emergency committee said in a statement.

Three COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Better Than Two? Debate Over Third Booster Shot
As the Delta variant spreads rapidly throughout the world, the prospect of a third "booster" shot is gaining interest even in nations where a large proportion of people are vaccinated.

Experts say it is too soon to know for sure if countries will need to organise a third vaccine round later in the year. Some suggest that priority should be given to hundreds of millions in the global south who have not even gotten their first jab yet.


Odisha Announces ₹ 453 Crore Assistance For Women Self-Help Groups

Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik today announced a special package of ₹ 453.50 crore as Covid assistance to women members of self-help groups under the State Mission Shakti. Attending a meeting on a virtual platform, Mr Patnaik also said a Mission Shakti Bhawan will be constructed in each of the 338 block-level Mission Shakti associations. These Bhawans will be used as training centres/business centres by the women members of the Mission Shakti, he said.


Prohibitory Orders Enforced At Pune Tourist Spots
Prohibitory orders have been imposed at several tourist spots in Pune district in view of the COVID-19 pandemic, officials said today. These spots include Bhushi dam, various points in Lonavala and Khandala, Sinhgad Fort, Panshet, Varasgaon dam among others, they said, according to a PTI report.


Manipur Imposes Curfew For 10 Days To Control Covid Situation

To prevent a spike in Covid cases, the Manipur government today announced curfew in the state from Sunday to July 27 with exemption to some essential services. An order was issued by the chief secretary in this connection, stating that the situation warrants stricter measures to bring down the spread of the infection.


Karnataka Logs 1,806 New Cases, 42 Deaths

Karnataka today reported 1,806 new Covid infections and 42 deaths, pushing the caseload to 28,80,370 and death toll to 36,079, the health department said, according to a PTI report. The number of active cases in the state currently stands at 31,399. As many as 2,748 patients recovered today, taking the total recoveries to 28,12,869.


38 Cops Test Positive For Covid At Chhattisgarh Training Centre

At least 38 policemen have tested positive for Covid at the Police Training School in Chhattisgarh's Rajnandgaon district since Thursday, an official said today, the PTI reported. The facility located on GE Road in Rajnandgaon town has been declared a containment zone, the official said.


Tripura Imposes Weekend Curfew, Other Curbs As Covid Cases Rise
The Tripura government has imposed a weekend curfew and a day curfew in Agartala Municipal Corporation and 11 other urban local body areas from July 19 to July 23 after reviewing the Covid-19 situation, PTI reported. The weekend curfew will be in force from 6 am on July 17 to 6 am on July 19.


Tripura Imposes Weekend Curfew, Other Curbs As Covid Cases Rise
The Tripura government has imposed a weekend curfew and a day curfew in Agartala Municipal Corporation and 11 other urban local body areas from July 19 to July 23 after reviewing the Covid-19 situation, PTI reported. The weekend curfew will be in force from 6 am on July 17 to 6 am on July 19.


Ensure Economic Activities, Maharashtra Chief Minister Tells Officials
Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray today asked district collectors to be in touch with the industrial sector to ensure the state's economic cycle and livelihood of citizens does not get disturbed due to a possible third wave of COVID-19, PTI reported.


UP To Pay ₹ 30 Lakh To Families Of 2,000 Dead Of Covid After Poll Duty
The Uttar Pradesh government will give ₹ 30 lakh as compensation to the family of each of its over 2,000 employees, half of them teachers, who died due to Covid during the panchayat polls duty, PTI reported. A senior official said of the ₹ 600 crore sanctioned for paying compensation, the Department of Panchayati Raj had released ₹ 300 crore to the State Election Commission for disbursement.


Odisha Starts Vaccination Of Pregnant Women
The vaccination of pregnant women against Covid began in Odisha today and the on-the-spot registration was facilitated by ASHA and Anganwadi workers, ANI reported. After vaccination, women were observed for at least 30 minutes for any adverse effect.


Assam Withdraws Exemption Of Testing For Vaccinated People
The Assam government has withdrawn its earlier order exempting mandatory COVID-19 testing for air and train passengers who have received both doses of the vaccine, an official order said, reported news agency PTI. The decision to withdraw the exemption was taken after cases of persons testing positive for COVID-19 even after having taken both doses of the vaccine were detected in the state. The notification issued on Thursday by the Health and Family Welfare department said the earlier order of June 25, 2021, stands withdrawn with immediate effect.


PM Modi Urges CMs Of Six States With High Covid Positivity Rate To Strengthen Health Infrastructure
Interacting with the chief ninisters of six states with high COVID-19 positivity rate, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said that the Centre recently announced a ₹ 23,000 crore emergency response package to combat coronavirus and advised these states to utilise funds from the package to strengthen health infrastructure, reported news agency ANI. He also laid emphasis on the need to focus on rural areas.

The Prime Minister was interacting with the Chief Ministers of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Odisha, Maharashtra and Kerala to discuss the COVID-19 situation in these states.


Addressing the Chief Ministers of the six states via video conferencing, PM Modi said, "The Government of India has announced a ₹ 23,000 crore emergency response package to combat COVID-19. The States must use funds from this package to strengthen health infrastructure. Infrastructural gaps need to be filled. There is also a need to focus on rural areas."


Arunachal Pradesh Logs 367 New Cases, 2 More Deaths

The COVID-19 tally in Arunachal Pradesh rose to 41,646 as 367 more people tested positive for the infection, a senior health official said on Friday, according to news agency PTI. The COVID-19 death count in the state increased to 197 with two more persons succumbing to the infection in the past two days, the official said.


Arunachal Pradesh currently has 4,177 active cases, said State Surveillance Officer (SSO) Dr
Lobsang Jampa. A total of 37,272 people have recovered from COVID-19, including 369 on Thursday. The COVID-19 recovery rate in the state now is 89.50% while the active percentage stands at 10.03 and the positivity rate at 6.80%, the official said.


Over 41.10 Crore Vaccine Doses Provided To States, UTs So Far: Centre
The Union health ministry said that states and Union territories have received more than 41.10 crore COVID-19 vaccine doses through all sources and over 52 lakh doses are in the transit, reported news agency ANI. Of this, the total consumption including wastage is 38,58,75,958 doses, as per data available at 8 am today. The ministry further said that 2,51,62,572 balance and unutilized COVID vaccine doses are still available with the states, UTs and private hospitals to be administered.


Top Court Asks UP Government To Reconsider Kanwar Yatra

The Supreme Court has asked the Uttar Pradesh government to reconsider Kanwar Yatra after the Centre said the states must not allow the movement of devotees undertaking the 'Kanwar yatra' due to the pandemic situation. The Centre said states should develop a system to make the holy water from Ganga available to the devotees through tankers.


Centre Files Affidavit In Top Court Against Movement Of Kanwariyas

Centre has filed an affidavit in Supreme Court stating that state governments must not permit the movement of Kanwariyas for bringing 'Ganga Jal' from Haridwar in view of COVID-19. reported news agency ANI. However, considering religious sentiments, the state governments must develop a system to make 'Ganga Jal' available via tankers at designated locations, Centre said.


The Centre told the Supreme Court that state governments must ensure that distribution of 'Ganga Jal' among devotees and rituals by such devotees in the nearby Shiva temples must take place while ensuring social distancing, wearing masks and adhering to all steps required during the COVID-19 crisis.

India today added 38,949 new cases, 6.8 per cent lower than yesterday, taking the Covid caseload to 3.09 crore. 542 deaths were recorded in the last 24 hours. 

Caseload Rises By 435, Death Count By 7 In Maharashtra' Thane
The COVID-19 infection count in Thane district of Maharashtra grew by 435 to 5,39,395, an official said on Friday, reported news agency PTI. These cases were reported on Thursday, he said. With the virus claiming the lives of seven persons, the death count in the district rose to 10,880. Thane's COVID-19 mortality rate is 2.01% at present, he added. In Palghar district, the COVID-19 case count has gone up to 1,18,710, while death count is 2,657, another official said.

Australia races to stem COVID-19 outbreaks in Sydney, Melbourne
Australian officials urged people to obey lockdown measures that cover around 40% of the country's population as an outbreak of the highly contagious COVID-19 Delta variant again picked up pace on Friday.

Daily new infections in New South Wales, where the outbreak began about a month ago, rose after a dip a day earlier, while new cases across the border in Victoria remained steady.

Total infections since the first was detected in mid-June, in a Sydney limousine driver transporting overseas airline crews, now stand at more than 1,000.

Despite Sydney heading into its fourth week of lockdown, New South Wales officials recorded 97 new locally acquired cases, up from 65 on Thursday.

Maharashtra's coronavirus caseload rose to 61,89,257 with the addition of 8,010 new infections on Thursday, while the death count jumped to 1,26,560 after 170 patients died due to the respiratory illness, a health department official said.



Saudi Smashes Fraud COVID-19 Testing, Vaccination Ring Ahead Of Hajj
Saudi Arabia has arrested more than 120 people suspected of supplying or procuring fraudulent coronavirus vaccine and test certificates, official media said Thursday, two days before a tightly controlled hajj.

The state-run SPA news agency said nine health ministry officials are among the accused, who have all pleaded guilty.

Some 60,000 Saudi residents with vaccine certificates will join this year's religious pilgrimage, the second time the gathering has been massively curtailed because of the pandemic.

"Strong Likelihood" Of More Dangerous COVID-19 Variants: WHO Experts Warn
The World Health Organization (WHO) warned Thursday that "more dangerous" variants of Covid-19 could tear across the world as global infections soared to half a million daily, largely driven by the virulent Delta strain.

An AFP tally of official sources found that after an initial dip, cases have been rising again worldwide since the end of June, topping 540,000 on Tuesday and again on Wednesday.

"The pandemic is nowhere near finished," the WHO's emergency committee said in a statement.

It highlighted "the strong likelihood for the emergence and global spread of new and possibly more dangerous variants of concern that may be even more challenging to control".















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