Coronavirus Global Updates 27 July ::: 90% of Canada’s COVID-19 cases are among unvaccinated, feds say

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Coronavirus Global Updates 27 July ::: 90% of Canada’s COVID-19 cases are among unvaccinated, feds say



Zimbabwe COVID19 Update

COVID-19 update: As at 26 July 2021, Zimbabwe had 99 944 confirmed cases, including 67 827 recoveries and 3 173 deaths. To date, a total of 1 491 493 people have been vaccinated against COVID-19.

France approves law requiring coronavirus health pass for restaurants, other venues

PARIS — French lawmakers early Monday approved a controversial law that will provide vaccinated people with privileged access to restaurants, cafes, intercity transportation and other venues starting in August — a measure that has drawn nationwide protests over the past two weeks.

Access to venues covered by the law will also be possible with a recent negative coronavirus test or proof of immunity through infection, while anyone who does not meet these qualifications may not legally enter.

French President Emmanuel Macron has said the aim of what the government calls a “health pass” is to drive up vaccination rates, which had begun to plateau in recent weeks.

Even before Parliament passed the new bill this weekend, the changes Macron announced two weeks ago appeared to have a measurable impact on vaccination coverage. Coronavirus vaccine-booking platforms recorded a surge in appointment bookings within hours of the announcement, and the country hit several records for the number of daily vaccinations since then.

On Monday, Macron said on Twitter that 40 million residents — or about 60 percent of the population — have now received at least one vaccine dose. More than 4 million doses have been administered over the past two weeks, he said.

The new rules approved early Monday in France will also make vaccination mandatory for health workers, who risk suspension if they are not inoculated by Sept. 15. The legislation was sent by the government to France’s Constitutional Council later Monday so that it could scrutinize the new law.

Opponents from across the political spectrum have said the law contravenes France’s traditional understanding of liberty and equality. An estimated 160,000 people rallied against the changes in France on Saturday. Far-right leader Marine Le Pen last week called the plan “an attack on freedoms and equality between citizens.”

France was previously one of Europe’s most vaccine-skeptical nations, and the French government was initially criticized for being too cautious in urging residents to get vaccinated as the shots were rolled out beginning late last year.

The recent shift in strategy appears to be driven at least in part by concerns over the highly transmissible delta variant, which has triggered a surge in new cases. France recorded almost twice as many new cases per capita over the past seven days as the United States.



Alberta’s number of active COVID-19 cases rises by 284 over weekend, R-value at 1.48


The number of active COVID-19 cases in Alberta has surpassed the 1,000-mark again as it jumped from 799 on Friday to 1,083 on Monday.

On Monday, Alberta Health reported that the coronavirus’ R-value in Alberta was at 1.48 in the province from July 19 to July 25.

An R-value below 1 means the rate of transmission was decreasing during a specific time frame while an R-value of 1 or higher means it was increasing.

The Calgary zone had an R-value of 1.50 during the same time frame while the Edmonton zone had an R-value of 1.37.

Of Alberta’s active COVID-19 cases, the Calgary zone has more than any other zone with 654. The Edmonton zone has 203, the South zone has 85, the North zone has 83, the Central zone has 53 and five cases have not been linked to a particular zone.

While no new coronavirus deaths have been announced in Alberta since Friday, the province added 387 new COVID-19 cases over the weekend: 151 on July 23, 142 on July 24 and 94 on July 25.

The number of people in Alberta hospitals — and intensive care units — because of the disease dropped slightly over the weekend.

Hospitalizations dropped from 84 on Friday to 83 on Monday while the number of people in ICUs went from 26 on Friday to 21 on Monday.

Dr. Deena Hinshaw, the province’s chief medical officer of health, tweeted Monday that 75.4 per cent of eligible Albertans have now received their first doses of a COVID-19 vaccine and that 63.4 per cent have now received two doses.

“Thank you for doing your part to protect yourselves and your loved ones,” she tweeted.

Since the pandemic began, 2,322 people in Alberta have lost their lives to COVID-19.

Doctor believes Alberta is in early stages of fourth wave of COVID-19

“I wish I didn’t have to say it, but we are in the very early stages of a fourth wave,” Dr. Noel Gibney said. “This wave… (is) going to be different.

“It’s going to impact primarily the unvaccinated people in the province.”


Gibney is a professor emeritus of critical care medicine at the University of Alberta. He said while Alberta is in a “lull” at this particular moment in time, COVID-19 is far from over.

“The reality is if you are unvaccinated, there is a high probability the Delta variant is going to get you,” he said.

“A lot of young people tend not to go to hospital… but even if a small proportion end up in hospital, a small proportion of a large number is still a large number.”

Hospital numbers could still go up. Gibney predicts that by mid-September, Alberta will be dealing with “a significant problem.”

“But at this stage, with current numbers, it’s reasonable to live your life in a normal way,” he said. “In between the waves is an ideal time to travel.


90% of Canada’s COVID-19 cases are among unvaccinated, feds say



Almost 90 per cent of reported COVID-19 cases across Canada are among those who are unvaccinated, a new national public health report shows.

“Since the start of the vaccination campaign on December 14, 2020, the majority (89.8 per cent) of cases being reported to PHAC were among those who were unvaccinated,” the country’s latest epidemiology report said.

Researchers said fully vaccinated people were also 69 per cent less likely to be hospitalized and 49 per cent less likely to die from COVID-19 than those who were unvaccinated.

Dr. Steve Flindall, an emergency physician at the Mackenzie Health Hospital in York Region, echoed those statistics and said a majority of patients coming into his hospital with COVID-19 have yet to get their shots.

“They may have had a previous COVID infection, but did not get the vaccination as has been recommended,” he says.

“And we’re seeing a lot of kids come in. They can’t be vaccinated. They’re often going to these summer camps that have been opened up and (are a) lot of times maskless on top of everything.”

The epidemiology report found that 84.9 per cent of Canadians hospitalized with COVID-19 were unvaccinated, while 82.3 per cent of people who died hadn’t yet been jabbed.

Flindall says he can “almost understand” vaccine hesitancy among people who have already contracted COVID-19 and lived — but says many of the reasons unvaccinated patients give when arriving at the hospital “just aren’t logical.”

At this point, Flindall says the vaccine has established itself as safe and effective against COVID-19.

“People go on far less proven treatments for stuff like cancer because they want the best treatment,” he said. “And COVID will kill you a lot quicker than cancer, let me tell you.”

Despite this, officials say the number of hospitalizations and deaths is decreasing across the country.

During the week of July 11 and July 17, the number of people dying from COVID-19 in Canada dropped 20 per cent, for a total of nine deaths. The number of hospitalizations and cases in the intensive care unit also decreased by 15 per cent and 17 per cent, respectively, at 576 hospitalizations and 252 ICU admissions.

Although cases are declining, COVID-19 variants represent 70 per cent of all reported cases. The highly transmissible Delta variant has become the world’s most dominant strain of the virus since it was first discovered in India in December.


COVID-19: 43 new cases reported in Saskatchewan, 0 new cases in Regina


The Saskatchewan government announced 43 new COVID-19 cases on Monday, which brings the total number of provincial infections to 49,727 of which 7,961 cases are variants of concern.

One more death was reported by the province.

For new COVID-19 cases, 12 are in the far northwest, one is in the far north central, 20 are in the far northeast, one is in the north-central, five are in Saskatoon, one is in the south central and one is in the south west. Zero cases were reported in Regina.

The province says there are two cases pending residence information.

There have been 48,792 recoveries from the virus and 356 cases are considered active.

The province says 55 people remain in hospital, with 45 people receiving inpatient care and 10 people in intensive care. Three people in the ICU are in Regina and six are in Saskatoon.

The seven-day average for new COVID-19 cases in Saskatchewan is 38 — 3.2 new cases per 100,000.

The province says 931 COVID-19 tests were processed on Sunday bringing the total number of administered tests to 954,126..

An additional 2,542 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been administered, bringing the total number of administered vaccines to 1,388,330.

Seventy-four per cent of residents aged 12 and older have received their first dose and 62 per cent of those are fully vaccinated.

15 new cases in London and Middlesex since Friday

The Middlesex-Health London Unit (MLHU) reported a total of 15 new COVID-19 cases since its last update on Friday.

This includes seven cases on Saturday, five on Sunday and three on Monday.

The region’s total case count stands at 12,744.

The MLHU also reported 22 recoveries for a total of 12,468.

No new deaths were reported. The region’s death toll remains unchanged at 229.

At least 47 cases are active in the region.

The most recent death involved a partially vaccinated woman in her 80s reported July 15.

The total number of cases involving a variant of concern sits at 3,562.

The breakdown of known variant cases is as follows:

·      3,379 cases of the Alpha variant (B.1.1.7), first identified in the U.K.

·      104 cases of the Gamma (P.1) variant, first identified in Brazil

·      73 cases of the Delta (B.1.617.2) variant, first identified in India

·      two cases of the Beta (B.1.351) variant, first identified in South Africa

·      one case of the Kappa (B.1.617.1) variant, first identified in India

·      one case of the Zeta (P.2) variant, first identified in Brazil

There is also one case listed only as B.1.617 and one case listed as B.1.617.3.

A total of 11,524 COVID-19 cases have been confirmed in London since the pandemic began, while 373 have been in Middlesex Centre and 334 in Strathroy-Caradoc.


The London Health Sciences Centre says it is caring for six inpatients with COVID-19, with five or fewer of those patients in the intensive care unit, as of Monday.

In an effort to protect the privacy of patients, LHSC only provides specific numbers when there are more than five.

LHSC is not reporting any patients from outside of the region.

There are currently no LHSC employees who have tested positive for COVID-19.

At St. Joseph’s Health Care London, the organization is reporting no cases involving patients, residents or health-care workers.

Institutional outbreaks

LHSC reported an outbreak at Victoria Hospital’s B7-200 Adult Inpatient Mental Health/PICU unit on Monday. It involves fewer than five cases.

On Thursday, the health unit said an outbreak tied to indoor gatherings at Christ Embassy Church at 1472 Dundas St., in London that involved six cases was now “under control.”

Vaccinations and testing

As of July 17, 79 per cent of residents aged 12 and older have had at least one dose, while 56.6 per cent are fully vaccinated.

The health unit is also now accepting walk-ins for first and second doses of COVID-19 vaccine at its mass vaccination clinics from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Hours and days of operation at many of the mass clinics will reduce starting next month. 


Ontario is reporting 119 new COVID-19 cases on Monday, the smallest daily increase in two weeks. The provincial case total now stands at 549,447.

The death toll in the province has risen to 9,316 as three more deaths were recorded.

Meanwhile, 538,702 Ontario residents were reported to have recovered from COVID-19, which is about 98 per cent of known cases. Resolved cases increased by 137 from the previous day.

Active cases in Ontario now stand at 1,429.

There are more than 8.6 million people fully immunized with two doses which is 66.1 per cent of the eligible (12+) population. First dose coverage stands at 79.7 per cent.


Italy May Force Teachers to Get Shots 

Italy’s government is evaluating making vaccinations for teachers mandatory, daily Corriere della Sera reported on Tuesday, without citing any source. The measure may be approved by the end of this week, after a possible government-unions meeting, the newspaper said.

Biotech Billionaire to Trial Vaccine in South Africa

U.S. biotech billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong is backing a Covid-19 vaccine candidate that he sees as having potential as a universal booster of other pandemic shots. ImmunityBio Inc., of which the 68-year-old holds about 13%, is developing a vaccine called hAd5 that’s intended to specifically activate T-cells that scientists believe are a key part of the immune response against Covid. This quarter, the South African-born biotech tycoon will begin trials in the country, the scene of what he calls a Covid-19 “firestorm.”

Olympics Records Seven New Cases 

New cases of the coronavirus associated with the Tokyo Olympics fell to seven on Tuesday, including two athletes, one of them a tennis player from the Netherlands, organizers said. The report brings to 155 the total number of cases confirmed through an extensive testing program being implemented to try to maintain safety during the unprecedented pandemic-era games. A total of 16 people had been confirmed positive the previous day.

Meanwhile, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has asked hospitals in the capital to curb regular medical treatments to devote more beds to treating Covid-19 patients, broadcaster TBS reported, without saying where it obtained the information. 

U.K. to Consider Relaxing Travel Restrictions 

The U.K. government will this week consider relaxing restrictions for travelers from the EU and the U.S., the Financial Times reported, citing an unidentified government official and an airport executive. Officials are also looking at removing France from the newly created “amber plus” category, which requires travelers from the U.K. to quarantine after their return, the newspaper reported.

China Nanjing’s Covid Outbreak Due to Delta 

A Covid-19 outbreak in the eastern Chinese city of Nanjing is due to the delta variant, China Central Television reported, citing a briefing held by local government. Nanjing reported 31 new local confirmed infections on Monday, with total cases of the latest strain at 106.

Sydney’s Lockdown Show No Signs of Easing

Sydney’s month-long lockdown shows no signs of being eased as the city’s daily Covid-19 cases keep climbing, even as other Australian cities move to open back up after bringing their clusters under control.

New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian said Tuesday that the state had recorded 172 new cases from the day before, a record since the latest outbreak fueled by the highly-contagious delta variant emerged in mid-June. The new peak came as Adelaide and Melbourne -- Australia’s second-largest city -- announced that they would lift their own lockdowns at midnight.

Severity of Cases Increasing in Singapore 

Singapore’s Covid-19 case numbers have remained steady at over a 100 infections daily, but the severity of cases is increasing, according to the Ministry of Health. There were 18 serious cases that require oxygen supplementation as of Monday and another two in the intensive care unit. That’s up from a total of 14 serious cases the day before. There are also rising numbers of seniors over the age of 60 who are critically ill, the ministry said. 

Thailand Transporting Patients Out of Bangkok 

Thailand has started transferring patients from Bangkok to the country’s northeast to reduce the strain on the capital’s medical facilities that have been overwhelmed by a surge in cases, government spokeswoman Traisuree Taisaranakul said.

About 30% of Thai infections during the current wave of outbreak that started in early April have been in Bangkok. The nation reported 14,150 new infections on Tuesday, taking cumulative cases to 526,828. There are 171,921 patients who are hospitalized, with 4,284 in critical condition and 954 on ventilators, according to Health Ministry data.

Moderna Notifies Seoul of Vaccine Setback

Moderna Inc. has notified South Korea that an adjustment of its vaccine supply schedule is “inevitable” due to a “production setback issue,” South Korean Prime Minister Kim Boo-kyum said. Seoul and Moderna are discussing details on shipments for July and August, he said. 













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