Coronavirus Global Updates, Mar 03 :::: Brazil records highest daily number of Covid-19 deaths

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Coronavirus Global Updates, Mar 03 :::: Brazil records highest daily number of Covid-19 deaths








Zimbabwe COVID19 Update

COVID-19 update: As at 02 March 2021, Zimbabwe had 36 148 confirmed cases, including 32 989 recoveries and 1 472 deaths.

Kenya receives more than 1 million vaccines through COVAX
Kenya has received more than 1 million Covid-19 vaccines as part of the global COVAX program, according to a news release from the country’s Ministry of Health on Tuesday.

A plane carrying 1.02 million doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine touched down just before midnight Tuesday in Nairobi’s Jomo Kenyatta International Airport.

It is part of an initial allocation to Kenya of 3.5 million doses, according to the joint statement from Kenya’s Health Ministry, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.

According to the Ministry of Health, the first beneficiaries of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine will include frontline workers such as health care professionals, teachers and security personnel. 

The COVAX program, led jointly by WHO along with health non-profit organizations, aims to supply vaccines to developing countries in the first 100 days of 2021 and to deploy at least 2 billion doses by year’s end.

“We know that this pandemic will not end in one country until it has ended in all countries,” said Thabani Maphosa, managing director for country programs at Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.
“The first arrivals of Covid-19 vaccine doses in Kenya represents the start of equitable distribution of Covid-19 vaccines worldwide. These first doses are for the vaccination of frontline health workers which are critical to the Covid-19 response and the maintenance of all health services."

In addi

Brazil records highest daily number of Covid-19 deaths

Brazil reported 1,641 Covid-19 deaths on Tuesday -- the highest single-day total of the pandemic, according to data from the country’s Health Ministry.

The country has now recorded a total of 10,646,926 cases and 257,361 deaths, according to official data.

Brazil has the second highest death toll worldwide, following the United States, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

Amid the crippling figures and an alarming lack of Covid-19 vaccines, Brazilian Vice President Hamilton Mourão defended the government’s position against a national lockdown to help curve the spread of the deadly virus.

Mourão said the country is “not a dictatorship,” and that the best way to fight the pandemic is to accelerate the vaccination rollout, which is “going well.”

Brazil has vaccinated a little over 3% of its population, and 19 of its 26 states have an ICU occupation of over 80%, according to Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), a Brazilian Ministry of Health research institution.

Italy closes schools in worst-hit areas amid concerns over new variants

The Italian government has ordered all schools in the country’s worst-hit coronavirus hotspots to close from March 6 until April 6. 

“As we know, the British variant has a particular ability to affect the younger population,” Health Minister Roberto Speranza said at a news briefing on Tuesday. 
“This has led us to determine that in red zones, all schools will move to distance learning, as well as in areas where the infection rate across seven days is equal to or greater than 250 per 100,000 inhabitants."

Italy continues to classify regions under a color-coded system (white, yellow, orange and red), with measures adjusted to reflect infection levels in the region. Red zones are the most stringent classification of coronavirus restrictions in the country, with severe limitations on movement.

According to Speranza, the coronavirus variant first identified in the UK has now “become prevalent” in Italy, while cases of the variants first identified in Brazil and South Africa have also been confirmed in the country. 

Turkey Sees Surge in Infections 
Turkey reported 11,837 new infections on Tuesday, the highest daily figure since early January.

The government earlier this week announced a relaxation of lockdown and social-distancing measures, with each of the country’s provinces put into one of four color-coded tiers.

Japan Mulls Extending Tokyo Area Emergency by Two Weeks 
Japan is  <> considering extending by two weeks the virus emergency in the Tokyo region now set to expire on March 7, TV network FNN reported, in a bid to further rein in the pace of infections.

FNN, citing an unidentified person, said the central government could make its decision as early as Thursday and announce it the next day. The report came as Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike and the leaders of the three prefectures adjacent to the capital were planning to ask Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga’s government for an extension of about two weeks, Kyodo News reported sources with knowledge of the plan as saying.

Sinopharm Completes Clinical Trials for 3-17: Global Times 
Sinopharm completed Covid-19 clinical trials for groups aged three to 17 and will submit the data for approval, the Global Times said in a tweet, citing Yang Xiaoming, chairman of the Chinese drugmaker unit China National Biotec Group.

Brazil Hits Record for Covid Deaths 
Brazil reported a  <> record daily number of Covid-19 deaths as a resurgence of the virus fills up hospital beds and pushes local governments to call for more drastic measures to contain contagion.

The Health Ministry reported 1,641 people died from the disease in the last 24 hours. Brazil is among the hardest-hit countries globally, with 10,646,926 confirmed cases and 257,361 deaths from Covid-19.

Covax to Provide 1.7m Doses to North Korea 
Covax Facility will provide about 1.7 m doses of coronavirus  <> vaccines to North Korea by May, Yonhap News reported, citing a Covax statement.

Australia Extends Its Border Shutdown 
Australia’s international border will remain shut for at least another three months, as the government considers the Covid-19 situation overseas an “unacceptable public health risk.”

The human biosecurity emergency period will be extended to June 17. The provisions include required pre-departure testing and masks on international flights, restrictions on cruise vessels and outbound travel for Australians.

Hong Kong Man Dies After Getting Vaccine 
Hong Kong’s health authority is investigating whether  <> the death of a 63-old man is related to inoculation with the Covid-19 vaccine, it said late Tuesday.

The man received the vaccination on Feb. 26, developed shortness of breath two days later and went to a hospital. He died on the same day.

Biden Sees ‘Back to Normal’ in a Year 
President Joe Biden said he hopes the U.S. would be back to normal “by this time next year” but said he’d been cautioned not to provide a specific date “because we don’t know for sure.”

He announced that Merck & Co. will help make Johnson & Johnson’s single-shot coronavirus vaccine -- a collaboration between rivals aimed at ramping up the pace of inoculations that will help provide enough supply for every adult in the U.S. by the end of May.

Biden also called for state and local governments to prioritize teachers for vaccinations, as he pushes for schools to reopen safely with full-time classroom instruction.

Texas, Mississippi Are Opening Up 
Texas Governor Greg Abbott lifted the mask mandate and other anti-pandemic restrictions amid declining hospitalizations and infection rates in the second-largest U.S. state. Mississippi also loosened its rules, CNBC reported.

Effective March 10, all businesses will be allowed to open at 100% of capacity, Abbott said during a media briefing in Lubbock on Tuesday. His executive order allows county judges to reinstate anti-virus rules should hospitalizations surge.

Abbott’s anti-pandemic measures have drawn the ire of his conservative electoral base, which saw them as government overreach, and may have wounded any presidential aspirations. He received 0% of the vote in a presidential straw poll at the Conservative Political Action Conference this past weekend.

U.S. States Get Boost in Vaccine Shipments 
U.S. states will see a boost in Covid-19 vaccine shipments next week, on top of an initial burst of the recently authorized Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

President Joe Biden’s administration will allocate  <> 15.2 million doses next week for shipment to states, up from 14.5 million allocated this week, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said on Tuesday after the administration held its regular call with governors.

The government also announced that 2.8 million J&J shots were sent to states, marking the first time they’ve shown how they’ll divide an initial tranche of the newly authorized shot. The U.S. received a stockpile of 3.9 million J&J doses. Psaki’s statement suggests the remainder, about 1.1 million, will be sent to pharmacies and community health centers.

Ireland Has Fewest Cases Since December 
Ireland reported the fewest new cases since December, in a latest sign that the virus there is easing. There were 359 newly confirmed cases, the health ministry said. That’s the least since Dec. 15. The drop is welcome, deputy chief medical officer Ronan Glynn said, although he warned it may be attributable to a so-called “weekend effect.” The country also reported 14 more deaths.

Merkel Urges Lockdown Easing 
Chancellor Angela Merkel  <> said it was necessary to cautiously relax Germany’s anti-virus restrictions despite a stubbornly high infection rate, as she acknowledged that people are getting tired after a four-months long lockdown.

EMA Panel to Rule on J&J Vaccine March 11 
The European Medicines Agency’s human medicines committee is expected to give its recommendation for the vaccine developed by Johnson & Johnson subsidiary Janssen on March 11, EMA said in a tweet. The panel has an extraordinary meeting scheduled for that day, aiming to conclude the evaluation.

Danish PM Says Plant With Israel Possible 
Denmark may become a  <> joint owner of a coronavirus vaccine facility in Israel as a way to dramatically ratchet up capacity.

Joint ownership of such a plant would help Denmark to “significantly” up its game and inoculate people repeatedly over several years, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said.

No Sign Brazil Variant Has Spread Further in U.K. 
“We have no information to suggest the variant has spread further,” Health Secretary Matt Hancock told the House of Commons. He said a search has narrowed to 379 households in the south of England as the government tries to find the unidentified individual who tested positive for the variant.

“We’ve identified the batch of home tests in question,” he said.

Dutch Case Tally Climbs for Third Week 
The total number of confirmed coronavirus cases rose for a third consecutive week in the Netherlands, though the tally remains below peak levels. In the week ended March 2, 31,984 people with Covid-19 were confirmed, up from 29,977, health agency RIVM said. The number of fatalities fell.

Meanwhile, bar owners are among businesses calling for less-strict lockdown rules. Two establishments in Amsterdam and the city of Breda in the south of the country briefly reopened outdoor seating areas on Tuesday in protest, defying nationwide rules, according to local media reports.

Switzerland May Allow Self-Testing 
Switzerland is considering allowing Covid-19 self testing, according to the Federal Office of Public Health. Director Anne Levy said it would require a change to the law, and some issues related to test effectiveness would need to be sorted out.

Switzerland has now vaccinated a quarter of people at risk, according to local authorities.

Ukraine’s President Gets Vaccinated 
Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy announced his vaccination in a tweet on Tuesday.












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