Destined for Greatness: Your Tuesday Inspiration with Gerald Chinogara

Bulls n Bears info at
Tue Jan 4 16:08:28 CAT 2022


 <mailto:info at> 


Compliments of the new season. Now that the dreaded year 2021 is behind us,
a new season bring with it new possibilities which most of us capture as new
year resolutions. We set ourselves to increase our income, lose weight, eat
healthier, and maybe even start a business.

All these intentions are commendable, but with the magnitude of challenges
we faced in the preceding year; 2022 require us to think deep about our
commitment to the Lord. The first step we must take is to become more
determined, more resolute, to follow His will. We need to think less of what
we want and focus wholly on what God has planned for us in the year ahead.


The apostle James warned about making decisions based on personal desires
and wishes: "You who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that
city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.' Why, you do not
even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that
appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, 'If
it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that.' As it is, you
boast in your arrogant schemes." James 4:13-17. Any success we experience is
due to Him; it is only right and proper that we begin with Him as well. We
do not know for certain what a new year will bring, but we always hope that
it will be better than the last one. We eagerly expect the year ahead will
be a time for financial increase, personal and professional growth or a time
for a much-needed breakthrough in life.


While we wonder about the future, God knows what lies ahead. He planned each
moment of this new year long before our birth so many years ago. He alone
sees where we are going and what we will encounter. Everything we are about
to face will be according to His design. What we have to remember, in good
times as well as bad, is that everything will work together for good for
those who love him.

This year we must be willing to trust God more than ever. Rather than
placing our hope and expectations in circumstances around us, we need to put
our hope in Him. He is high above any of the troubles that will surely come
our way. And He is ready to guide, protect, and sustain us. I wish you a
blessed and awesome 2022


Gerald is an astute business leader, strategic marketer by profession and a
motivator by calling. Currently he is Head of Marketing & Alternative
Distribution Channels for Old Mutual Zimbabwe. He has over 16 years diverse
business experience at senior and executive management in leading corporate
companies in Zimbabwe.



Invest Wisely!


Bulls n Bears 


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Twitter:         @bullsbears2010

LinkedIn:       Bulls n Bears Zimbabwe


Skype:           Bulls.Bears 



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