Destined for Greatness: Your Tuesday Inspiration with Gerald Chinogara

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Tue Feb 9 07:58:22 CAT 2021



Destined for Greatness: Your Tuesday Inspiration with Gerald Chinogara



We have a God who never changes, yet He knows that we, His people,
constantly need to. He uses the unexpected to mould and shape us into who He
created us to be.  God can use the unexpected for our good for with Him all
things are possible. The covid pandemic, a calamity of epic proportions to
humanity with devasting effects which include loss of loved ones, jobs and
income ; is being used by God in our lives to draw us near to Him. God uses
the unexpected for our good and for His glory. We naturally want to be in
control of our lives. In fact, from a very early age we are taught this is
good self-esteem.


However, if you attempt to be in charge of your life, you will be trapped by
discouragement, fear, anxiety and worry. The pressure of trying to be in
control of all situations will set you up to be eventually knocked out by
the challenges of life. Living in this world full of tribulations can pack a
punch that will make you fall flat on the floor, but that can't move God off
His throne. You were not made to believe in yourself, because you were not
made to be in control. You were created to believe in Someone bigger than


There is no better time in life than now to answer to the Master's call to
all humanity in Matthew 11:28 "Come to me, all of you who are weary and
carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." There is a wonderful freedom
in taking heed of this awesome invitation because it takes all the pressure
off you and places it on the One who can handle it. A great thing about
believing in God and trusting Him with your life is that He does not
struggle with the same things that you and I do. He never gets stressed,
worried and anxious about anything including the pandemic. He is in control
of all things, has a plan and purpose, and is more than capable to see His
plans established. 


We on the other hand will fail, make mistakes, mess up things but the
Almighty God never does and can be trusted. He has an impeccable track
record since the ancient of days and has proven Himself that He is more than
able. But to believe Him means we must let go. This season we must let go of
our worries concerning our family, provision, future and place it in the
hands of an all-powerful God.  He who is the same yesterday, today and
forever is also saying to you during this pandemic, take no thought for your
life, what you shall eat, or what you shall drink; nor yet for your body,
what you shall put on as He know you have need of these things. The only
thing you need to do is to seek Him and He will supply all your needs only
if you believe and hearken to His Word.


Gerald is an astute business leader,strategic marketer by profession and a
motivator by calling. Currently he is Head of Marketing & Alternative
Distribution Channels for Old Mutual Zimbabwe. He has over 15 years diverse
business experience at senior and executive management in leading corporate
companies in Zimbabwe.



Invest Wisely!


Bulls n Bears 


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Twitter:         @bullsbears2010

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Skype:           Bulls.Bears 




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